Treatment after Chlamydia

Posted by mejialopez63 @mejialopez63, Feb 7, 2023

I was exposed to Chlamydia Mid November. I finished doxy treatment the end of November. I was still having symptoms of vaginal burning so i went back to the Dr.

I was then told i had BV. I finished the 7day treatment Waited a week, still had vaginal burning went back then was told it was a yeast infection. Finished 7 days treatment but burning was still there. Went back to the Dr they said it was probably lingering yeast. Was prescribed a cream instead and finished the 3 day treatment. Still had symptoms so I did 2 weeks of boric acid. I still had symptoms and went back to Dr i got tested all over again and all sti/std test came back cleared. I no longer had chlamydia, bv, nor yeast. But the vaginal burning is still lingering. I also started feeling burning in between my butt cheeks and sometimes sharp pains on my butt. 1 gynecologist just told me she didn’t know what it could be and gave me the same antibiotic for when I had BV. I took it for a week. I then messaged her after the week was over and told her i still had symptoms.

I mentioned if it could be PID but she said no but since she didn’t really know what else to do she prescribed me another week of the same antibiotic along with doxy and an injection to try and see if it was PID. But nope. Didn’t work.

I also was tested after 12 weeks for gential herpes and that came out negative. I feel like im going crazy because I’ve gone to the Drs 8 times now and now nobody knows why i still feel vaginal burning. Has anyone ever gone through this? Or any advise? Im getting so depressed.

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Same here! Please let me know if you found way out


Same here. Please let me know have you find way out!



I was treated for chlamydia with doxy and I took it exactly as directed, finished my medication about 5 days ago, but am still having some slight itching and it burned when I had sex a couple of days ago. I’m really scared it hasn’t gone away or that I’m having more issues similar to what’s been said on this thread. I’m so worried I’m going to give it to my partner. Does anyone have any advice??



I was treated for chlamydia with doxy and I took it exactly as directed, finished my medication about 5 days ago, but am still having some slight itching and it burned when I had sex a couple of days ago. I’m really scared it hasn’t gone away or that I’m having more issues similar to what’s been said on this thread. I’m so worried I’m going to give it to my partner. Does anyone have any advice??

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I think you should do retest to see if it’s gone.
Do you have any other symptoms?


My partner had chlamydia and I treated it even though my test was negative. After 4 months of similar experience: it was ureaplasma. Get checked for that, maybe?


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