Treatment advice for prostate cancer

Posted by kune @kune, Jun 27, 2023

Hi folks. I am 68 years old and was recently diagnosed with grade 3 prostate cancer. PSA is 6, Gleason score 6(3+4), and just got genomic(gps?) test result of 29. I am at the low end of the intermediate risk range of 25-60. My plan is to go on active surveillance and see where PSA is in six months. My doctor is ok with this. Does this strategy seem reasonably safe at this point? My other choice would be radiation. Thanks for your input.

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Everybody needs to make their own decision, but reading Dr. Walsh's "Surviving Prostate Cancer" was very helpful toward educating myself. I had Gleason 6 3+3 with PSA of 10.5. Low Risk Intermediate. Could have followed Active Surveillance but did not want to risk Gleason 7 and cancer spreading outside Prostate. Received Proton Beam radiation therapy at Mayo Rochester. Glad I did, hopefully the cancer is now in my rear-view mirror. Everybody has a different risk aversion meter... I would have been a mess if I pursued Active Surveillance. Especially if I had been Gleason 7 3+4.
Best wishes and please keep an eye on it. Read the book for more insight.


Had radiation 2017 In 2020 spread to L1 Had it rad on Zolodex before for a year

In 2023 went to L2 put on Xtandi and Xgeva and still onZolodex 78 Feel great


I agree with AS for you and I would do likewise. I had RP and I think that this was the right choice as my doctors told me that if I had radiation and the PSA went up ( cancer returned) then the option for a RP would not be offered and would be much less effective, perhaps even harmful. So RP preserved an important treatment option for me. Good luck!

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What does RP stand for?


Radical prostatectomy You know the cutting procedure not zapping procedure !

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