Total Knee Replacement

Posted by adillen1 @adillen1, Dec 22, 2023

Just had a TKR on Friday
Lot of Burning when bending and lifting, still a little tingly and under knee cap hurts
Can someone also explain degrees of flexion
Is 80 degrees better then 90

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Good luck. Well I can drive now and do walking without cane, but need to be more confident! Some stories on here are frightening!

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Good morning kneenee. I tend to avoid the frightening stories and focus on the positive. There are some really nice people on this site and they will help you.


Hi Cathyanne,
All of my very best wishes as you have your second knee done! I am so glad that they were able to find that solution for pain for you! Let us know how you do after this surgery. Good luck! MaryAnn


Good luck. Well I can drive now and do walking without cane, but need to be more confident! Some stories on here are frightening!

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Hi knenee. When you note that some stories on here are frightening, please remember that for the most part, the people who post here have been disappointed with their results for TKR. This can be due to a number of reasons. Based on my unscientific research, and my own experience having both knees replaced in 2022, people generally just don't do the work, pre and post surgery, to have a successful outcome.

And unlike a lot of surgeries, a TKR requires that PT start the day of the surgery, and continue with PT appointments and doing the exercises 3x/day without exception.

I know this isn't true for all who have bad outcomes. There are still bad surgeons out there, and a lot of factors go into this very traumatic procedure. Mistakes are rare but do happen. And there can be things that happen that surprise even the surgeon. But TKRs have greatly advanced since they were introduced in the late 60s.

My advice - listen to your surgeon and do pre-surgery exercises and all of the post-surgery PT and daily exercises. Is it hard? Yes, it is for the first 2 or 3 weeks, and then improvement can be seen, and felt.


Well said Cathyanne. Flexion at 150 plus is about as good as it gets. I'm at 130 but that's all I need. I can't sit on my heels but use a yoga block to sit on in yoga.

Pain/burning is the worst in the first week or two, then it starts to get better. That's a joy. And for some, please be patient. Swelling and stiffness in particular can persist for 6 months, maybe more. It truly does take one year for everything to finally settle down. A TKR is a safe but invasive procedure.

Best wishes to all for a healthy and pain-free 2024!

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I had my second TKR may 23 2023 did all my rehab worked hard at home too my flex ion is 125-130 and my extension is excellent but after 7 months I still can’t stay under 22 inches. My right TKR was in 2022 and I was standing in 8 weeks. Is their something wrong???


My right TKR flex ion eventually went to 130 first PT session it was 80 but improved steadily four months later I had left knee done and my first PT session flex ion was 115 eventually getting to 130 however my sit to stand function is ok for chairs 22 inches high but I can’t go lower 7 months later my therapist told me it’s because my left is non dominant side. I’m worried but my doctor told me that sit to stand function is the last thing to emerge I’m a bit discouraged anyone experienced this?


I had an knee replacement February 2023.During November I discovered pain in my hip can't really lay on my hip it feels like a nerve that is pinching shall I go back to the surgeon to check it out


Good evening @gwendolinehen. It is great to see your first post. I hope you have enjoyed getting to know Connect. Let's see what is going on here. After your TKR in February, how did your post-surgery recovery go? Did you participate in both pre and post-surgery PT exercises? Then nine months later you recognized that your nerve felt like it was pinching. And now you are restricted from laying on the side of your hip because of the discomfort.

@gwendolinehen, I had a very similar experience. It may not be exactly like yours but it sounds similar. Somehow I had one bursa in my right hip that appeared to be irritated. It certainly was sore, especially when I happened to roll over on it. I think we all have eight or nine bursas in that area. All it takes is for one of them to become a little cranky. However, a well-placed injection of estrogen can calm the bursa down. Just remember that you need to wait 3 months before having any surgery with anesthetics.

I just checked my pages and pages of lab reports. You undoubtedly have similar records that may help determine the source of your discomfort. I would certainly request that the surgeon become aware of your current issue. He has a lot of knowledge of your body, especially with all the tests that have been used.

Please let me know what you find out. Sharing knowledge about our bodies and health issues is always helpful.

May you be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.


I can't imagine doing my other knee! I never thought I'd be so long in rehabilitation mode...12 weeks out, right knee. Hoping to walk without cane, but so afraid, although did at pt last week! Will practice driving today around neighborhood, but, yes nervous! Hate all this psychological fear! Have noticed improvements like graduating from walker to cane, some walking without cane! Hate step up/down at pt, so afraid of hyperextension even though has not happened for a few weeks now! It's been a few years that I've avoided stairs, doing one at a time, and not walking much...hard to break those habits. Also hesitate reading here, some good, some BAD!

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My TKR was a year and a half ago. No complaints, outcome was very successful. But I would be slow to do TKR on my other knee since learning about Platlet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections. My husband has trouble with his left knee and had the PRP shot. He's had a very good outcome. However, I am told it is not as successful for people with bone-on-bone arthritis. There needs to be some cartilage left in the knee for the PRP to regenerate. Also, I recommend going to a clinic that does nothing bit PRP. If I ever have problems with my left knee, I plan to try it.


I had my second TKR may 23 2023 did all my rehab worked hard at home too my flex ion is 125-130 and my extension is excellent but after 7 months I still can’t stay under 22 inches. My right TKR was in 2022 and I was standing in 8 weeks. Is their something wrong???

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Hi Terry,

Flexion of 125-130 is very good after a TKR. When you say "I still can't stay under 22 inches" I don't know what you mean. Can you clarify? Thanks. Joe


Hi Terry,

Flexion of 125-130 is very good after a TKR. When you say "I still can't stay under 22 inches" I don't know what you mean. Can you clarify? Thanks. Joe

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In a chair height under 22 inches I can’t get up

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