Torn hamstring: Did you choose surgical or non-surgical options?

Posted by cadunkin @cadunkin, Oct 26, 2022

My 35 year old daughter has grade 3 complete tears of 2 hamstrings & partial tear of the 3rd. One surgeon suggested non surgical approach, another thinks surgery is best option. Has anyone had one or the other & how did you do? If you had surgery, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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I had a complete tear of my hamstring due to a fall. I also tore my rotator cuff completely as well as my meniscus on that side. I had the hamstring surgery first. It was a very successful surgery. My hamstring is pain free as a result. The recovery was long with crutches and PT, but it worked well. Good luck to your daughter.


Torn Hamstring: severe pain
Hello again, everybody. Aside from multiple autoimmune conditions that some of you have known me for, I'm now dealing with a torn hamstring as well as possible lumbar issues. Severely debilitating pain and very difficult to function on my own. I live in an "Assisted Living " facility now but the "assisted living" part is not there and we're expected to function independently, which I've been able to do up to now. However, many times each day I'm literally brought to my knees and in tears with excruciating pain from hip to ankle. Can't move, can't walk, can't sit, can't get help unless I'm near my phone or my medical alert, (I'm usually wearing the alert but...). I just have to wait it out 'til the pain subsides somewhat and I can get to the safety of my sofa and very painfully lie down.
Years ago, I had a hamstring injury and was hospitalized for several weeks, (back in the good old days when hospital beds and doctors were readily available!) It took a long time for the healing process at that time and I'm still left with a painful jolt when I forget and use that leg to step up into a vehicle etc.
Just wondering if anyone else has had this type of injury. My family is wonderfully supportive in visiting and helping with chores and errands, but they live in another town, an hour and a half away. They visit me often, but of course are too far away for these current mini-crises of mine.
Unlike my usual sunny and up-beat self, I'm beginning to feel somewhat like a helpless turtle on its back!


Torn Hamstring: severe pain
Hello again, everybody. Aside from multiple autoimmune conditions that some of you have known me for, I'm now dealing with a torn hamstring as well as possible lumbar issues. Severely debilitating pain and very difficult to function on my own. I live in an "Assisted Living " facility now but the "assisted living" part is not there and we're expected to function independently, which I've been able to do up to now. However, many times each day I'm literally brought to my knees and in tears with excruciating pain from hip to ankle. Can't move, can't walk, can't sit, can't get help unless I'm near my phone or my medical alert, (I'm usually wearing the alert but...). I just have to wait it out 'til the pain subsides somewhat and I can get to the safety of my sofa and very painfully lie down.
Years ago, I had a hamstring injury and was hospitalized for several weeks, (back in the good old days when hospital beds and doctors were readily available!) It took a long time for the healing process at that time and I'm still left with a painful jolt when I forget and use that leg to step up into a vehicle etc.
Just wondering if anyone else has had this type of injury. My family is wonderfully supportive in visiting and helping with chores and errands, but they live in another town, an hour and a half away. They visit me often, but of course are too far away for these current mini-crises of mine.
Unlike my usual sunny and up-beat self, I'm beginning to feel somewhat like a helpless turtle on its back!

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Hi Laurie @artist01, We moved your post to the following discussion on the same topic so that you can connect with @cadunkin, @cjsthought and @wiserranter who have posted about a torn hamstring and may have some thoughts or suggestions.

-- Torn hamstring: Did you choose surgical or non-surgical options?

Have you discussed the injury with your doctor yet?

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