Toe Pain Associated with Peripheral Neuropathy

Posted by rdear45 @rdear45, Nov 9, 2023

I have had peripheral neuropathy for many years, and it has progressively gotten worse, especially in my toes. Specifically in my pinky toe in my left foot and in my big toe in my right foot. The pain in these toes is unbearable at times. I even have a spinal stimulator. The only thing that addresses the pain is Oxycodone medication.

Does anyone else have a similar experience with toe pain? If so, what have you done to address the pain.

Thank you.

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I use lavender essential oil on my left foot, which has the worst PN than the right foot. It seems to help but have only done it 3-4 times. Will continue and see it the relief continues.


When I first started having symptoms in July 2019, there were times when the pain in my big toes (and not at the same time) felt like a corkscrew was being twisted into them. I was diagnosed with PN in Oct. 2020 went on 600 mg. Gabapentin. I’m now taking 1,200 to 1,400 mg. a day (which I know is still a low dose) but I haven’t had the corkscrew sensation in about two years.


Have you had your b12 or folate tested? From my understanding, to accurately test for b12 serum you need to be off of b12 supplements and b vitamin drinks for at least 4 months (the average life of a red blood cell) . There are other tests to be ran too, but there is no gold standard test. Plus, there is research that the "normal" cut off of above 200 is too low, especially if neurological symptoms are present. Have you heard of the book Could It Be B12? I listened to it for free thru my local library and the free app Hoopla. You can also watch the free movie Sally Pacholok on YouTube. She also has a website. From my understanding, if you have neurological symptoms you need every other day b12 injections until symptoms improve. I have several neurological issues including peripheral neuropathy. I am also getting the run around in doctors. I have lots more to say on this. But I'll stop here while you have time to process and research what I've said. I've learned I have to advocate and fight for my life. I'm sorry to hear about your pain! I used gold bond menthol cream or vicks vapor rub on my feet as a distraction technique so I can at least fall asleep at night, otherwise I struggle with sleep so much!


Yes, I have the toe pain, too. Drive me crazy sometimes! I sympathize.

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