Tightness in head and neck random anxious feelings

Posted by bheaven49 @bheaven49, Nov 15, 2023

I have been experiencing tightness on the left side of my head that comes and goes. Tested positive 28 days ago. Lost taste and smell but did regain after a few weeks. I just feel weird and cannot put words to it sometimes. I feel anxious for no reason and out of nowhere. Anyone out there experiencing or have experienced these or similar symptoms? Any suggestions, recommendations are welcomed. Thanks in advance!

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I've never had anxiety until my son was born 6 years ago. Then after covid, it got really bad. Dr prescribed SSRI didn't help at all now I'm dealing with long covid nasal issues sinus issues I'm guessing that some type of histamine I'm not sure but I've been allergy tested three times and my sinuses looked at CT scan 3 ents blood work the whole nine yards and nobody knows anything I just woke up at 5:00 a.m. and my sinuses sound like Rice krispie treats I can breathe fine but I can hear crackling and popping way up in my nose and I have a constant pressure in my head like I don't know if it's what they call brain fog or not but it's always pressure in my head and really sucks.


It’s still a little early in your post acute infection phase, so you may be still experiencing some inflammation or still in the cytokine storm of infection. The general rule of thumb now is that if the symptoms continue past 3 months then you should start looking at long Covid issues. If you have word finding issues, numbness in the face, issues with coordination or muscle weakness and/or spasms I would ask your doctor for a referral to a neurologist. There are some issues people are finding with anything from their cervical spine to strokes. Not to frighten you! Covid is known for producing vascular issues and microclots and this can lead to similar issues. Don’t worry too much though, it’s early and you may just be experience inflammation as your body clears the infection.


I had that for about a year. The neck got so tight it felt like someone was checking me. Could pass solid food and sometimes my voice was hoarse. Thank God I'm not the only one. It went away gradually


I have had Long COVID for 3 years. My anxiety got worse and worse. I would be so upset over the smallest things and could not calm down. It was very upsetting which made it worse. I now do breathing exercises daily that keep me calm. Due to specific medicine I take I am not able to take anti-anxiety medicine. I have removed as many stressors from my life as possible. I feel selfish but the insane anxiety had to stop. I have exhaustion and the high anxiety was using up any energy I had. My head feels weird a lot of the time. I have POTS that was triggered by Long COVID. I have had dizziness and just an odd feeling that I can put words to for years then started blacking out. I now wear an abdominal binder so I can sit and stand without passing out. Stay aware of the symptoms you have and if this continues, I would see a neurologist but I would also look for a long COVID clinic. I had a very mild case of COVID but then everything in my body started acting wrong. It did not happen all at once, new things would continue to pop up. Testing showed nothing and I thought I was losing my mind. Hang in there and I really hope your symptoms will go away and you will not have Long COVID.


I felt pretty bad, but my covid was relatively mild too. However, afterwards things kept popping up every week! It was crazy……skin issues, itching, bad taste in mouth, muscle pain, tingling in feet and hands, ……I’m seeing a neurologist and ENT. ENT says it’s covid syndrome. Now, out of nowhere, I just started having episodes of feeling very anxious…like on another level. I saw my primary today and got a referral for therapy. Trying to avoid meds as the have so many potential side effects.

I have found that mouth moisturizers and sugarless gum help a lot! Primary suggested I try scent training, which I am. Why didn’t ENT do that?


I share the "out of nowhere....random feelings/episodes of anxiety/feeling anxious. For no reason at all...you just start feeling anxious. And once it starts, it just gradually increases in intensity. I had anxiety before but there was usually a reason for it. I think it may be something like PTSD (Post traumatic stress syndrome) from having Covid and being in hospital. Or maybe just the fact of having had Covid, now you get these random episodes of anxiety. I am on a anxiety medication....because I don't want to live life with anxiety. It's no fun. I feel like my old self with the medication.


I’m going to try a med today. I’ve been trying to hold off. Do you mind saying which med you take?

I’m also making an appointment with an acupuncturist, I saw several years ago for something else.
I just got a new symptom! I guess it’s GERD! I’m awakened in the night with burning in my throat! I’ve never had heartburn in my life! I don’t know what is causing it. Doctor called in prescription for Pepsid.

I feel great, except for my persistent symptoms! Hope to start therapy next week. Most of my friends and family members already have so much in their lives already. I don’t feel right adding more stress on them by talking about my situation. Plus, they keep telling me how great I look. I’ve lost 50 pounds on purpose and work out like crazy. They can’t see what I’m really dealing with.

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