Thyroid Graves Disease: Anyone else?

Posted by TERESA LOGAN @quiteachiver75, Feb 4, 2019


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Bless your heart. I empathize. I have both Graves Disease (Hyperthyroidism) and Hashimotos (Hypothyroidism). I am on methamazole 5 mg daily and it has helped. I alternate between being hypo and hyper. My hands and feet can be cold...........then I'm burning up. I am very heat intolerate to the hot summer months. I have palpitations when I am in a flare, extreme fatigue and it also has promoted arthritis almost all over. I can feel "edgy" for no reason. Thyroid is very hard to treat and you have to get an ultrasound of your thyroid and bloodwork regularly to stay on top of it and have a very good Endocrinologist that will listen. God Bless.

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I have Graves and since diagnosis have arthritis and need both knees replaced. I didn’t know Graves could be the culprit behind my arthritis. Graves also messed with my heart and I am on numerous medications. My hormone levels are considered euthyroid, but I still have severe heat intolerance and fatigue. I don’t have Hashimotos as far as I know, but I am trending toward hypo now. I hope your health improves soon. I think it’s difficult when endocrinologists don’t seem as educated in dealing with Graves as they should be.


I have an update. As of now, my Graves' Disease is in remission. Everything returned to normal, and I no longer have to take Methimazole. It's still a wonder if my Graves' resulted from the second Pfizer Covid booster shot. I'm wondering how many others have been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism/Graves' after a booster shot and if they, too, have returned to normal after a brief treatment period. Only time will tell if the Graves' Disease will return. I am now on a schedule of returning for blood tests every few months.

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I have Graves and fell out of remission for a few months after the Pfizer vaccine. Then I stabilized for a couple years until I got Covid. I had it twice in the past year (and possibly a 3rd time) and now my Graves is really bad and I’m about to start methimazole for the first time. .Covid vaccines and the virus
itself are Graves triggers, yes.


I have Graves and fell out of remission for a few months after the Pfizer vaccine. Then I stabilized for a couple years until I got Covid. I had it twice in the past year (and possibly a 3rd time) and now my Graves is really bad and I’m about to start methimazole for the first time. .Covid vaccines and the virus
itself are Graves triggers, yes.

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Thanks for that. I’ll keep that in mind.

Have you had other vaccinations that also trigger Graves’? I don’t get the flu shot out of concern of triggering Graves’, and I’m hesitant as I age to get the Shingles vaccination.


My husband and I both have Graves, but only he got bulging eyes and vision problems. His ophthalmologist was no help, but the endocrinologist sent him to the Dean McGee Eye Institute in Oklahoma City. He had strabismus surgery to reduce muscles behind the eye, followed by eyelid reconstruction. His vision and appearance are much better now. A prescription for treating Graves opthalmy is currently available here in the US. It’s a really horrible condition and I sincerely hope you find successful treatment!


I have Graves and fell out of remission for a few months after the Pfizer vaccine. Then I stabilized for a couple years until I got Covid. I had it twice in the past year (and possibly a 3rd time) and now my Graves is really bad and I’m about to start methimazole for the first time. .Covid vaccines and the virus
itself are Graves triggers, yes.

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I have Hashimotos (Hypothyroidism) and was diagnosed with Graves Disease (Hyperthyroidsim) last year. I bounce back and forth between the two and it has really did a number on my arthritis. I take Methimazole 5 mg daily for Graves Disease. My levels are all good as far as TSH, T3 & T4, now in looking at Graves Disease, but, my Thyroid antibody/antiglobulin is still high and that is where they found I had Hashimotos. I believe COVID ramped things up for me with thyroid. COVID does a lot of things to your body. I pray you feel better soon. Bless you & I care.


Thanks for that. I’ll keep that in mind.

Have you had other vaccinations that also trigger Graves’? I don’t get the flu shot out of concern of triggering Graves’, and I’m hesitant as I age to get the Shingles vaccination.

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I’m just now recovering from Shingles on my face, in my nose, mouth and throat, and eye. My thyroid was irradiated years ago, so no trigger. This was the most painful event of my long life, nothing else even comes close to the agony of this nerve pain in my head and neck. Two months after the lesions appeared I still have itching in my nose and face that can’t be scratched—just inappropriate nerve firing. I beg you to consider the Shingrix vaccine! Graves can remiss, but it often returns.


Hi, I got diagnosed of Hyperthyroidism at 24. I am 26 now. I lost a lot of weight and my eyes bulged. I am taking medication after I got diagnosed and I already gained weight but my eyes remained bulging.

Is there anything I need to do to get my eyes from the way it was? I get super sad and frustrated when I see my face in the mirror.


Hi, I got diagnosed of Hyperthyroidism at 24. I am 26 now. I lost a lot of weight and my eyes bulged. I am taking medication after I got diagnosed and I already gained weight but my eyes remained bulging.

Is there anything I need to do to get my eyes from the way it was? I get super sad and frustrated when I see my face in the mirror.

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Hello, and welcome to Mayo Connect. The bulging eyes component of Hyperthyroidism (also known as Graves Disease) can be treated by a knowledgeable Ophthalmologist (not an Optometrist.) These are MD's who specialize in treating diseases and conditions of the eye. You can ask you PCP or Endocrinologist for a referral, or look for a local doctor and ask whether they treat Thyroid Eye Disease.
What has your doctor suggested?


Hi, I got diagnosed of Hyperthyroidism at 24. I am 26 now. I lost a lot of weight and my eyes bulged. I am taking medication after I got diagnosed and I already gained weight but my eyes remained bulging.

Is there anything I need to do to get my eyes from the way it was? I get super sad and frustrated when I see my face in the mirror.

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I'd like to add my welcome to @sueinmn's. I'd also like to piggyback on her suggestion of seeking an ophthalmologist. There are multiple ways to treat ophthalmopathy, but each approach is not always applicable to each patient.

@rneemrrr, I merged your discussion into another discussion titled: "Thyroid Graves Disease: Anyone Else?"

There are many members who have discussed their issues with hyperthyroidism and the way it effects their eyes. @rneemrrr, like Sue asked, have any treatment options been discussed with your current provider? Are experiencing any of the symptoms than can sometimes come with bulging eyes?


I have Hashimotos, lately levels of TSH have been high then low with multiple adjustments of thyroid doses,my Mom had TED, and Graves. Ive been experiencing severe dry eyes even with prescription eye drops. Im very worried this is a sign of early TED. Can anyone give me clues to there TED.

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