
Posted by besmith57 @besmith57, Mar 20 11:14am

Has anyone gotten thrush while on prednisone? My rheumatologist told me I had it. I have finished 1 bottle of nystatin and just refilled my second one. My gums and throat are very sore.

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I haven't seen any posts here or in Australia about Thrush but in my nursing days it was relatively common in patients who were on immunosuppressive drugs. Nilstat drops were always the treatment of choice but iodine gargle should work as well (check with your doctor). Its a miserable condition to have on top of everything else you are going through


Thank you for responding. I'm on my second bottle of nystatin. I didn't even know I had it the first time. The second time around I knew for sure it was back. I could barely swallow because of my really bad sore throat . I'm feeling lots better since I started the second bottle. Thanks for reaching out.


As with many of the side effects of prednisone people mention on here, yes, I believe I have had thrush. My dentist first brought it up when found white patches in my mouth . I thought I had burned my mouth on some hot food so didn't believe him. Then I had to increase the prednisone during a flare and I had bad pain in my mouth and down into my throat. It made eating difficult. I at first thought it was a side effect of the methotrexate I also take for PMR but believe it was probably thrush. It got better when I lowered the prednisone dose. All I can think of to do is get the doses of both drugs as low as possible.


As with many of the side effects of prednisone people mention on here, yes, I believe I have had thrush. My dentist first brought it up when found white patches in my mouth . I thought I had burned my mouth on some hot food so didn't believe him. Then I had to increase the prednisone during a flare and I had bad pain in my mouth and down into my throat. It made eating difficult. I at first thought it was a side effect of the methotrexate I also take for PMR but believe it was probably thrush. It got better when I lowered the prednisone dose. All I can think of to do is get the doses of both drugs as low as possible.

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I didn't know I had it the first time either. I sure did the second time. I could barely swallow too. You're lucky it went away without treatment. I am taking 7.5 of prednisone now. I will taper to 5mg next week. I sure hope I don't get the pain back. It's awful. I had never heard of PMR until I was diagnosed with it. Lucky us, huh?

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