Thoughts for Thanksgiving

Posted by Scott R L @scottrl, Nov 18, 2023

As Thanksgiving approaches, I have been reflecting a lot on my progress (or lack thereof) in the nearly five years since my stroke. As I have said elsewhere, this is the fight of my life, and I intend to win.

Along the way, I have learned a few things.

First of all, it's a love story. Without my wife's endless loving care, I would have been a goner long ago. That motivates me to do my utmost to get better, out of my love for her.

Beyond that, I am tremendously grateful for the help, support, and encouragement I have received from many others, including members of Mayo Connect.

Forgiveness is a big part of recovery. I had a terrible habit of blaming myself for everything wrong around me, and cursing my imperfections. As someone said, "Would you be friends with someone who is as harsh and unforgiving of you as you are of yourself?" Well, good-bye to all that. The only way is forward.

Also, I have learned not to waste energy on negatives. Things like unforgiveness, anger, ingratitude, and selfishness have no place anymore. And to be blunt, people who represent these things are no longer welcome in my life. I had to make difficult decisions about some people, but I'm glad I did.

More practically, I have learned a way to evaluate my progress and recovery. I know it's not a straight line going in one direction...and it's more than one line. There are at least three. (More on that later, if you're interested.)

Finally, my Thanksgiving wish for you is that you have much to be thankful for!

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Cooking and in between knitting scarves for a cousin who does a toy drive every Christmas for underprivileged children . I feels good to be so busy . Happy Thanksgiving everyone!



A special thank you to @scottrl for starting this great discussion. I've enjoyed reading all of the posts in this "Thanksgiving" discussion. This is a great time to reflect on all the things that we can be thankful for.

I get emails from a organization that encourages Journaling. Yesterday, I received a 7-Day Gratitude Journal and thought that you might enjoy looking at it and perhaps printing it out to use. I've attached the document for you.

In case any of you would like to continue this type of conversation after Thanksgiving is over, we have a couple of discussions you might like to join. Here are the links:
Journaling: The Write Stuff for You:

From reading all of your posts, I realize that thankfulness adds a wonderful dimension to our lives. So, shall we keep it going?

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I am thankful for the “7-Day Gratitude Journal” you shared with us. That was very thoughtful. God bless you.


Happy Thanksgiving

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A Uniquely American Holiday

“Enter His gates with thanksgiving; go into His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him and praise His name. ”

—Psalm 100:4
May you all be blessed by The Almighty Creator and giver!


I am sitting here this morning reflecting on the past year, enjoying the sunshine and smelling the turkey breast roasting. Yesterday, one of my best friends had a fire in her tiny home a mile away - by the time we arrived, bringing her necessary clothing for a few days, her neighbors had arranged for a month of housing, another friend had brought toiletries and a third was caring for her dog. We are so grateful she and her beloved pet are safe.

Our children and grandchildren are all doing well - working on the challenges that life throws them. We are working hard to stay healthy so we can continue our retirement life of family, travel and volunteering.

I am grateful for family, friends, faith and community.


As I was sitting in bumper to bumper Thanksgiving traffic yesterday, cars backed up for miles in both directions, I thought isn’t it wonderful that all these people have somewhere to go to be with friends and family on this special day.

Then I thought how thankful I am for all the people willing to host Thanksgiving dinner and open up their homes to friends and family. ❤️


When breast cancer happened to me, I saw how true friends rallied around me, while some friends on the other end of the spectrum revealed themselves to be too toxic to waste another precious life-minute on. It happened to me matter-of-factly, by observation, without effort, distress, or resentment. It's a gift. It's like having a garden that weeds itself.


When breast cancer happened to me, I saw how true friends rallied around me, while some friends on the other end of the spectrum revealed themselves to be too toxic to waste another precious life-minute on. It happened to me matter-of-factly, by observation, without effort, distress, or resentment. It's a gift. It's like having a garden that weeds itself.

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I appreciate your contribution to this discussion, @gemjaynes.

That is a very descriptive comment about friendships that stand the test of time, "It's like having a garden that weeds itself."


What a wonderful story. Your story was very inspirational for everyone who read it. Thank you for sharing.


I appreciate your contribution to this discussion, @gemjaynes.

That is a very descriptive comment about friendships that stand the test of time, "It's like having a garden that weeds itself."

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I’m just gonna die in peace


I’m just gonna die in peace

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How long are you expected to live? What are you doing with your time?

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