This program helping me recover

Posted by annie481 @annie481, Aug 20, 2023

I found this website and the program surely seems to be helping me. I have been following the advice on this page for about 3 weeks now.
Dr. Barbara Johnson Reversing Long Covid -- do a google search with those terms since I can't add a web address.
Of course I still have symptoms but I am much improved over what I was in June. I still have brain fog, tremors in head and upper body, headaches at times, heat bothers me, stomach pain if I eat a lot at one time especially after 4pm. I still can't do my morning walk more than about 3-4 minutes without my heart rate going up to 135 from about 65 resting rate.
In June I couldn't be on my feet more than about 30 minutes in the house and needed to lay down for an hour or two because I was totally exhausted and weak. I am now able to be on my feet around the house or shopping --(moving slowly though) for about 3 hours before I become weak and need to lay down.
The only really frustrating symptom is the weakness that comes on when I try to walk any distance. I'm still not able to do it when back in the spring I was walking about 45-60 min a day. However I found that exercise laying down or sitting is tolerable within limits -- such as a recumbent bike, chair exercises, etc.
Hope this helps someone.

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Thank you for sharing the info! I will check it out.


I was just prescribed the Mayo long covid treatment program. Will give it a try and let you all know how it goes.


Zone 2 training a a whoop. To measure your strain and recovery levels to prioritize your life.


To mitfit
Please let us know how it goes. I wanted to go to Arizona clinic but was informed the long Covid clinic is just in Rochester.
I live in California and getting to the Rochester clinic is probably not happening. I have serious ear issues that prevent me from flying.
Hope it helps you!


I was just prescribed the Mayo long covid treatment program. Will give it a try and let you all know how it goes.

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I was hospitalized with Covid in February and began the Long Covid treatment program in Rochester early this summer. When I started, I was functioning at about 20% of what I used to be able to do before Covid, I've seen a PT, an OT, had CBT therapy to help me adjust to the dramatic changes in my life and relationships, and I'm currently in a sleep-restriction treatment for insomnia. My overall post-Covid treatment is ongoing, but office visits are tapering off as I continue to use the tools I've been taught. It's been a hard, constant struggle, but I've been diligent about following all instructions and applying all I've learned. At this point, after about 4 months, I'd say I'm now at about 40% of what I used to be capable of. I don't know if I'll ever be completely well, but the program has definitely helped me. I'm now equipped to continue working toward my goal of getting my life back to an acceptable level, and I can count on support and encouragement when I'm in need of it.


Thank you for your detailed reply. It gives me hope. I have also done PT, therapist, psychologist and CBT to adjust. It may have helped a little, but I am still struggling. I will give this self-guided program a try. I wish there was a check-in that went along with it as its hard to be alone in this journey.


A PT recommend the bridge exercise to help with the deconditioning from LC. I find it to be really helpful for gaining back core strength and it doesn’t affect my LT symptoms because it is low impact and done while lying down. My specific instructions from my PT is 2 sets of 10 reps holding each bridge for 10 seconds.

A PT recommend the bridge exercise to help with the deconditioning from LC. I find it to be really helpful for gaining back core strength and it doesn’t affect my LT symptoms because it is low impact and done while lying down. My specific instructions from my PT is 2 sets of 10 reps holding each bridge for 10 seconds.

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I have a lot of trouble with my back and will give the bridge exercise a try. Thank you.


To mitfit
Please let us know how it goes. I wanted to go to Arizona clinic but was informed the long Covid clinic is just in Rochester.
I live in California and getting to the Rochester clinic is probably not happening. I have serious ear issues that prevent me from flying.
Hope it helps you!

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So far, no change … The program seems to be mainly deep breathing, meditation, cognitive behavioral therapy. I really do like the four daily items they prescribe: Socialization/Productivity/Self-Care/Leisure. I make sure I fill each bucket every day.


Sounds a lot like things I have tried along with guidance from a Naturopath. I continue on, but I find these tips underwhelming. All of these therapies are great for basically healthy people. Pretty disappointing for really sick people.
I’m considering hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Wondering if anyone has given that a try?

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