This and That and Talk - My Transplant
As our Mayo Connect community grows, I am constantly meeting organ transplant members on a wide variety of forums with a wide range of issues that are not directly transplant specific. However, because we are all transplant recipients, we have a special connection: a unique journey and best of all - a new life! We don't always need help or advice. Many times we just want to chat with someone like us! That is my purpose in starting This and That and Talk.
Drop in and say 'Hi'. You are welcome anytime.
What do you want t to talk about? What words can you offer to someone who is on the journey? Do you have any questions for another recipient?
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Ginger, Have you had a chance to read, and to add your tips to this?
Teresa, Me too. I try to choose fragrance free whenever I have the opportunity.
gaylea, My heart hurts for you.
I had that severe itching, too. It was so awful that I was often on the verge of tears. There was not a doorway that was safe from my constant back scratching. Imagine the image of a big ole grizzly rubbing against a tree - That was me!
Sometimes a good soaking bath with Aveeno oatmeal bath oil helped briefly, but even that brief escape from itching was not worth the trouble to me, because it was an overwhelming task. I was fatigued, and my edema made movement difficult, and I was cold all the time. I never got to where I was scratching until it bled, though, I hear that that can happen.
Somewhere along the wait, the severe itch gradually diminished. I don't know why.
We are all different in our symptoms as we await our transplants.
Hugs to you and to anybody who is also experiencing these symptoms.
@sholman459 I have extreme itching following a pancreas transplant. I tried all kinds of folk and medical suggestions with no relief. Finally I purchased a mesh exfoliating towel (found at Wal-Mart) and use it to scrub my entire body. Amazingly and thankfully that works for me. FYI, it is impossible to get lotion on the middle of your back where my itching was located.
I do the same, @contentandwell. Fragrance free laundry products are the only ones I use. I can really notice a difference in my skin if I try to use something else.
@gaylea1 @gingerw Laundry detergent could definitely be the culprit. I changed once and my husband was terribly itchy from what I changed to. I had forgotten all about that. I only buy the ones that are unscented and for sensitive skin now.
@contentandwell My kindle or small project crochet goes with me to office appts. I use my own pen to complete any paperwork, still use antibacterial gel. Also, not to be too gross, when you are at the lab be careful of all surfaces.
@gaylea1 Could any of these help you remedy night itching? Change in temperature: when you first go to bed you snuggle into bending, but body temp changes thru the night, you get somewhat overheated and start itching. Any change in laundry soap or drying method: a new formula in soap, or change in machine/dryer sheet/fresh air vs dryer. Changeup in diet before bed: weather changing so you have a cuppa something warm, which makes you feel good at the onset but warms your internal temp up too much a bit later. Lotion has helped me.
@gaylea1 If lotions and creams don't help it is probably because the cause is more internal. I'm sorry you can't find any relief, I can imagine how annoying constant itching must be.
@gingerw sounds similar to me, at this point all of my specialists are in Boston, about 55 miles away, and my PCP is here in NH. Everyone sees everything. I really like that they are all familiar with my history, it gives me more confidence that they will not recommend something that would be wrong for me.
I still think my PCP is a bit nosy though. I bring my IPad to visits and if I am looking at something he tries to see what it is before I close it up! I bring my IPad because I will NOT read magazines in doctor's offices, who knows what germs may lurk on them. My PCP agrees that it's a good idea to not be handling them.
Speaking of which, do you know that one of the germiest things is menus in restaurants? Think of how many people have handled them. It's a good idea to have some hand sanitizer with you to use after ordering.