This and That and Talk - My Transplant
As our Mayo Connect community grows, I am constantly meeting organ transplant members on a wide variety of forums with a wide range of issues that are not directly transplant specific. However, because we are all transplant recipients, we have a special connection: a unique journey and best of all - a new life! We don't always need help or advice. Many times we just want to chat with someone like us! That is my purpose in starting This and That and Talk.
Drop in and say 'Hi'. You are welcome anytime.
What do you want t to talk about? What words can you offer to someone who is on the journey? Do you have any questions for another recipient?
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Transplants Support Group.
@rosemarya Hello Rosemary. I am in and out of bed. I walk a lot on my own. So my mobility is really good.
It would be lovely to talk with you in person. I am content though just knowing you are there cheering me on.
I never did hear anything more from parmcat.
Thank uou for the great resources to talk.
Hopefully I will have better news on my next post. I'll be in hospital a few days yet.
@gaylea1 You really have been through a lot, but you still sound very positive. That's key I think.
I hope the next ERCP does not fail. Yes, you will survive and come through with flying colors. Your strength will win out.
Gaylea, It is nice to hear from you. I do wish the circumstances were different, but they will be soon.
I admire your attitude and new mantra! My belief is that it be the strength that your body needs to keep recovering. My husband and i were told to expect 'bumps' along the way, and that is how we always look at any complicating factor. I have learned that sometimes what is a major thing for me, is actually a routine procedure for the experts. So even if something comes out with unexpected results they know how to proceed.
How do you feel now? Are you able to get out of bed while waiting for the next ERCP?
I wish I could come by and sit with you for a while, I thing we would have lots to talk about! Have you ever heard anything from @parmcat about the liver transplant support group he was starting? That would be so convenient for you.
If you want some good, non-transplant conversation to occupy your mind and promote your positivity, I recommend the following discussions. Both are in Just Want to TaltkDiscussions:
-Gratitude Discussion Group - I think you will already know some of the members
-Art for Healing
I look forward to your next update. Hugs and prayers.
@rosemarya @contentandwell @jeanne5009 Since my last post I've had the ERCP procedure (scope to insert stent to unblock bile duct) and it failed. They managed to rattle my pancreas which ended up with me having pancreatitis. The symptons being severe nausea, vomiting and pain. I was unable to hold anything down including my immunosuppresents and other meds. I've been back in hospital since last Thursday waiting for this to be resolved. I will be scheduled for another ERCP to try and get the stent in again. 🤞🤞that it works this time and that I don't get pancreatitis again. Hopefully soon I'll be on the right track. I WILL SURVIVE! mantra.
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– Tech-Lover, Researcher and Cook: Meet @contentandwell
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@des46893 It is good to be aware of the potential problems, but also to keep in mind that those problems are less frequent than having everything go successfully. As you said, GVHD is apparently very rare, and I had not heard of CMV either.
Things went along better than I ever imagined when I had my liver transplant. I thought being older (69 at the time of transplant) that I might have more problems than I did but I was great, very quickly.
@gaylea1 I am sure these bumps in the road will get over quickly and things will be smooth sailing after that. Keep us informed.
My transplant journey had plenty of twists and turns also. At the very outset my pre-coordinator told me that my transplant was not a cure all. It would be an exchange of one set of problems for another. I came through the surgery with flying colors. I was out of the hospital in 5 days thinking “ that wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be “. My first setback came when I came down with CMV. I used to describe my symptoms as having mono on steroids. We worked our way through that and I thought I was in the clear. Then came the big one GVHD. There is nothing that will scare you more than going online and reading the medical studies on your condition or having your medical team tell you it’s a condition so rare in solid organ transplants that they don’t know how to test for confirmation or even how to treat it. All you can do at that point is trust your team. So there will be setbacks and there will be good days & bad days and eventually things will calm down & it will be smooth sailing. Keep your spirits up and maintain a positive attitude.
@gaylea1 I didn't have many of your complications, but the diabetes one is pretty common I think due to prednisone. I had to be on insulin for a while until they decreased my prednisone dosage.
I hope the bile duct problem is easily resolved. Looking forward to hearing that that everything is A-ok.
gaylea, I admire your positive attitude! "Every stage is a step forward though".
Your message is a very important one and I want to thank you for sharing it. When we see numbers like that (50%) we are given assurance that we are not alone. Throughout my entire disease and transplant journey, even with my dear husband and family at my side, I felt alone in the sense that no one else was experiencing the same symptoms as me.
I'm praying for your numbers to return to normal, even if an intervention is needed.
Did you have an opportunity to have a Christmas/New Year with family?