This and That and Talk - My Transplant

Posted by Rosemary, Volunteer Mentor @rosemarya, Apr 9, 2017

As our Mayo Connect community grows, I am constantly meeting organ transplant members on a wide variety of forums with a wide range of issues that are not directly transplant specific. However, because we are all transplant recipients, we have a special connection: a unique journey and best of all - a new life! We don't always need help or advice. Many times we just want to chat with someone like us! That is my purpose in starting This and That and Talk.

Drop in and say 'Hi'. You are welcome anytime.

What do you want t to talk about? What words can you offer to someone who is on the journey? Do you have any questions for another recipient?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Transplants Support Group.


@contentandwell thanks, I'll look into those websites. While I've never had a transplant, I have very fair-skin and look for good ways to protect it from sun. I also get rashes from the chlorine in the pool, I go to a very nice 24/7 health club that always looks very clean, so it must be the chlorinated water that gets to me. Have you found any help for that? Thanks, Teresa

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@hopeful33250 Teresa, my husband honestly thought, in the last six weeks prior to transplant, that he was going to lose me, as did my son, so he has been very good about expenditures. This one in particular since he worries a lot about me getting infections.
Treatments will begin on Wednesday. I sort of rushed them because I want to put this behind me.


@contentandwell thanks, I'll look into those websites. While I've never had a transplant, I have very fair-skin and look for good ways to protect it from sun. I also get rashes from the chlorine in the pool, I go to a very nice 24/7 health club that always looks very clean, so it must be the chlorinated water that gets to me. Have you found any help for that? Thanks, Teresa

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@contentandwell How wonderful that your husband is so supportive of your spending the money. How soon will the treatments begin? Teresa


I was diagnosed at the age of 26. Fortuanately for me I worked on a cardiac floor at the hospital. One night when we were slow we hooked ourselves up to the monitors and while walking i was found to have a heart rate in the 170s. I had previously had several episodes of dizziness but always found an excuse for it. From there my primarycare doctor order my echo and found my decreaed ejection fraction and so my journey began

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@lcamino - I received my strength by reciting Psalm 23 everyday during the months leading to my transplant. Rosemary


@contentandwell thanks, I'll look into those websites. While I've never had a transplant, I have very fair-skin and look for good ways to protect it from sun. I also get rashes from the chlorine in the pool, I go to a very nice 24/7 health club that always looks very clean, so it must be the chlorinated water that gets to me. Have you found any help for that? Thanks, Teresa

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@lcamino- Lynn, I want to say that I am happy that you and your family were able to spend some time away together. Rosemary


@contentandwell thanks, I'll look into those websites. While I've never had a transplant, I have very fair-skin and look for good ways to protect it from sun. I also get rashes from the chlorine in the pool, I go to a very nice 24/7 health club that always looks very clean, so it must be the chlorinated water that gets to me. Have you found any help for that? Thanks, Teresa

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@rosemarya Rosemary, the person I dealt with on the phone did not fill me with confidence so I will see what the doctor has to say on Wednesday. She thought it was about weekly. I hope so, although one week I will have to miss unless doing them one week apart is essential. We will be on vacation with the kids that week.


@contentandwell thanks, I'll look into those websites. While I've never had a transplant, I have very fair-skin and look for good ways to protect it from sun. I also get rashes from the chlorine in the pool, I go to a very nice 24/7 health club that always looks very clean, so it must be the chlorinated water that gets to me. Have you found any help for that? Thanks, Teresa

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@lcamino Lynn, after my daughter was diagnosed with a hearing problem I took her for speech and language evaluation. She was well above age level on both! I guess I must have instinctively spoken loudly to her. I think of her as a "grammer nazi". She writes well, she is a writer, and has a great vocabulary. Can you tell I am a bit proud of my two? 😉


@contentandwell thanks, I'll look into those websites. While I've never had a transplant, I have very fair-skin and look for good ways to protect it from sun. I also get rashes from the chlorine in the pool, I go to a very nice 24/7 health club that always looks very clean, so it must be the chlorinated water that gets to me. Have you found any help for that? Thanks, Teresa

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@contentandwell, I can understand your desire to deal with this promptly. I have not heard of the laser treatment. How far apart are the treatments?
Did your transplant doc feel the same sense of urgency? This is all new to me.
Let us know how it goes for you.



@contentandwell thanks, I'll look into those websites. While I've never had a transplant, I have very fair-skin and look for good ways to protect it from sun. I also get rashes from the chlorine in the pool, I go to a very nice 24/7 health club that always looks very clean, so it must be the chlorinated water that gets to me. Have you found any help for that? Thanks, Teresa

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@lcamino, Lynn, so true. With purchases we all have our own priorities too.


@contentandwell thanks, I'll look into those websites. While I've never had a transplant, I have very fair-skin and look for good ways to protect it from sun. I also get rashes from the chlorine in the pool, I go to a very nice 24/7 health club that always looks very clean, so it must be the chlorinated water that gets to me. Have you found any help for that? Thanks, Teresa

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@contentandwell - I have a Masters in Social Work and specialized working with the deaf so I am aware that hearing loss at an early age can be a major issue with language development. I'm assuming your daughter has caught up and doing fine? Good for you for following your instincts!

I appreciate your prayers but I don't want the transplant soon. My kidneys are plugging along and still doing enough so I'm hoping I don't need one until my youngest daughter has graduated from high school (May 2018) and I can have a big graduation party for her. I do need prayers that a kidney is provided by some kind, selfless soul.


@contentandwell thanks, I'll look into those websites. While I've never had a transplant, I have very fair-skin and look for good ways to protect it from sun. I also get rashes from the chlorine in the pool, I go to a very nice 24/7 health club that always looks very clean, so it must be the chlorinated water that gets to me. Have you found any help for that? Thanks, Teresa

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@lcamino Interesting question, Lynn, but now that it has been diagnosed as fungus I presume the two are not related except for the fact that I have a compromised immune system.

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