This and That and Talk - My Transplant
As our Mayo Connect community grows, I am constantly meeting organ transplant members on a wide variety of forums with a wide range of issues that are not directly transplant specific. However, because we are all transplant recipients, we have a special connection: a unique journey and best of all - a new life! We don't always need help or advice. Many times we just want to chat with someone like us! That is my purpose in starting This and That and Talk.
Drop in and say 'Hi'. You are welcome anytime.
What do you want t to talk about? What words can you offer to someone who is on the journey? Do you have any questions for another recipient?
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@rosemarya Gotcha. I never even thought of those because I have never used them. I hate taking as many prescriptions as I do.
@contentandwell, I'm sorry for the confusion. I was referring to products like Tylenol PM, Tylenol sinus. Tylenol flu etc.
@2011panc, Thank you for sharing this memorable experience! I think it is a marvelous example of how much we can delight in the 'simple' moments that occur - after (and sometimes during) our l-o-n-g and difficult journey. When I read your post I was standing in line at the grocery checkout. You put a smile on my face:-) In fact you might say that I let out a little laugh. You have exceeded your goal by sharing this, in my opinion.
It is good to hear your voice. I hope that you are feeling well.
Blessings to you, too.
@hopeful33250 Teresa, I know this too well, how do you think I got to @ 235 at one point!
@contentandwell Hope so - but remember there are a lot of emotional reasons for eating - not all of those can be addressed with logic. Give it your best try if you feel led to. Teresa
@contentandwell Let's hope it doesn't come to that! Teresa
@contentandwell This is another "double-like." Teresa
@2011panc That is funny about drinking vs drinking water. I think most of us do not drink enough water so i would not be at all surprised to your doctor's reaction. I will always miss my wine with dinner and I kick myself because my husband and son would often on a birthday or Christmas give me a really nice wine, more costly than I would purchase, and of course I stored those away in our wine fridge. Then I was no longer able to drink! So now if something is special I say USE IT WHILE YOU CAN.
@rosemarya That's pretty much what she did on my little toe when I had my last pedicure but it would be pretty noticeable I think on my big toe.I have a pedicure appointment next week so we shall see then. We leave to go away on Friday or Saturday, to Maine joined by our son and daughter and her fiance and his "girlfriend". Dying to finally meet her! She texts me so much I feel like I already know her.
@rosemarya Rosemary, I am not even familiar with the combination kind. I just know 2000 max per day. I also do not take much, probably an average of once a week for muscle pains in my legs. I used to have terrible migraines and although the pain relievers didn't help a whole lot they did help a tiny bit. I am so glad I do not have those now. Thank you menopause.