This and That and Talk - My Transplant
As our Mayo Connect community grows, I am constantly meeting organ transplant members on a wide variety of forums with a wide range of issues that are not directly transplant specific. However, because we are all transplant recipients, we have a special connection: a unique journey and best of all - a new life! We don't always need help or advice. Many times we just want to chat with someone like us! That is my purpose in starting This and That and Talk.
Drop in and say 'Hi'. You are welcome anytime.
What do you want t to talk about? What words can you offer to someone who is on the journey? Do you have any questions for another recipient?
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@lcamino Thank you! I have never liked alcohol or its effects. I like your idea about opening donor discussions by refusing alcohol. I usually choose black coffee, and was surprised a few nights ago that the only offerings were coke, diet coke, punch, sparkling water and water. I was able to restrain myself from preaching, just barely. lol
@contentandwell Dilaudid and tramadol are pretty heavy duty. I remember being on dilaudid and did not like it at all. I don't remember ever being on tramadol, but doubt I would like that much either. I have been using acetaminophen only for pain relief for decades while trying to save my kidneys. It has been really tough, but I've been able to make it through. I also use yoga and medication on a regular basis.
@2100panc - EXCELLENT advice! I've heard many ideas on this subject but this is the best. Now, to remember it when I need it. I have to admit I have a guilty pleasure telling people I can't drink alcohol due to kidney failures. Sometimes it opens the door to educate people about living kidney donors and of course I always hope that can turn into someone considering being a donor for me.
@contentandwell, I hope you can relax and enjoy yourself! I'll bet that you are always a gracious hostess - whether you do or do not serve lots of goodies. Has it occurred to you that daughter's fiancé's mom might be watching what she is eating, too?
Did your daughter find a dress yet?
@mklapperich I offer you my solution for people that want you to eat and drink. I used this quite a bit with alcohol. Get a small portion of something you are willing to eat a bite of, and half fill a cup or glass of something you are willing to taste. Hold on to that and lick or tine-taste the food and fake sip the drink while visiting. After a while you can dump your plate when other people start to dump theirs. It's part of my fake it until you make it life motto. lol
@contentandwell, Sorry. Not at all familiar with those meds, so can't offer any experience. Rosemary
@lcamino you are right, so much does revolve around food. In my family there is always way too much food too. I can only imagine the leftovers that will be left over after tomorrow. There’s also an old Irish expression that when you go to someone’s home you should have to “ring the doorbell with your elbow”. Tomorrow will be the first time that my daughter’s fiance’s parents will be here so of course I won’t to be a really good hostess. I am trying very hard to not over-indulge but with so many yummy things around it’s difficult
@mklapperich - Well I have not had a transplant yet but I'm following Jenny Craig to lose weight to prepare for my transplant. That means I'm cooking for my daughter and can't eat her food. I have gotten used to that but Thanksgiving was a challenge - especially with dessert. I did try a few things but very small portions and not what I would have had had in the past. I do like making food that others enjoy but what I really noticed this year is how much our society pivots around food. When you go to an event people get concerned if you don't eat and drink something other than water and it does make you feel like an outsider. I guess I will just have to let it roll off and remind myself that I'm doing these things for my health and to ignore the social pressures.
@contentandwell I'm sure he is good with liver transplants - he just needs to learn the Mercedes incision!
@rosemarya Yep, they really are good. Venk, my son in law as of tomorrow, just left to pick up takeout pizzas. I am not generally a pizza person but for some reason I’ve been craving it. I will have one slice and a salad. He knows we have put a lot of effort into tomorrow so he really did want to take us out but sitting at a table for any length of time in a restaurant would not be comfortable for me.
I do think the pain is finally easing a bit. I’m not sure if I just have it under better control with the regimen I am on now, or if really is less. Hopefully it really is less. I plan to get off the narcotics immediately after my daughter’s reception in two weeks so I can get back to having my independence and driving.
I am on dilaudid and tramadol. Have any of you had experience with those and if so did you have to ween off of them?