The Great Debate... Do you define yourself as your illness or are you a human being living with an illness?

Posted by Roxie43 @roxie43, Jun 4, 2012

Dear Reader's,

My friend Momentum has posed a very important question! Do you conform to societal labels or do we challenge the system when the system attempts to self impose their views on who we TRULY are?

It can become very easy to be consumed by external factors when Identifying who were are. I am first and foremost, a human being. I am a daughter, mother, sister, grandmother, friend, colleague, peer, employee, a woman, etc. And, I live with depression and anxiety that I am NOT ashamed of. I did not cause it but am very proactive in minimizing it's effects on my life. Last year, being proactive did not work because a group of administrator's were on a mission to destroy my career, my life, my livelihood and my self worth.

However, still, I refused to conform to their biased views because I am who I am and am very proud of myself despite that they are ashamed of me for being proud. Does this make sense? In life, we will come across individuals that know we are exceptional and competent workers but for some reason THEY NOT US cannot get past a label.

I know people, who have been treated in this broken system since they were adolescents and are now in their 50's and all the know is the label they are giving. Some will have been so poorly condition, that they actually believe "I am a Schizophrenic" versus I am a human being living with Schizophrenia.

Lizkat wanted to educate healthcare provider's! Well, here we go. The helping professions is suffering and it needs to revamp itself and go WAYYYYY back to the friendly visitors in the early years of social work. People should not further be exposed to victimization because of their unfortunate circumstances. And, people living with any type of illness should not be made to feel like they are worthless and cannot dream and do BIG things with their lives.

In my last year in graduate school, I was suicidal but you know what my friends? The employer and familial issues were the culprit that exacerbated my illness. Regardless, of all of the roadblocks that presented themselves, I graduated and was told by my thesis professor that my thesis was one of the best in his class in 2010. So, did I allow other's hurtful actions to negate my dreams and goals? Absolutely not......

You can be diagnosed with the most horrific condition but the mind is powerful and when we focus diligently on the task at hand that one is trying to achieve no label can stop you!

I have good days, and I have days, when all seems overwhelming but I refuse to conform to what society or some select insensitive individuals try to say as to...... what I am or am not capable of.

By now, most of you can tell that I am a writer and most recently put together a case for the US District Court that some believe a lawyer put together. I, until my last breath, will always challenge the status Quo because it is wrong, it is hurtful, it is demoralizing, it can ruin lives and there is no place for this type of practice and/or behavior in our world.

Big Hug Your Friend,

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i am comfy in my skin n who dont like it can get help 4 themself

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Always take care of your needs but do not surrender and incorporate pleasure and laughter. We have names and are not our illnesses...Hugs

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