Tender breasts, light bleeding post menopausal

Posted by nembrotti @nembrotti, Feb 2 7:28am

56 years old, post menopausal, however I have tender breasts and now some light bleeding. I’m sure it’s hormonal as have symptoms such as headache. Also which is really strange after having hot flashes daily for the past 4 years these have now disappeared since breast tenderness and bleeding arrived. Just wanted to see if this has happened to any other post menopausal women .
Thanks in advance

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Have you told your doctor about this. I think you need a check up. Something is not right.
I wish you the best.


Are you working with a menopause specialist?
What does your current provider say? And do they have specialized training and experience


@nembrotti Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect and to the Women's Health Support Group. We are a group of people who are not medical professionals however we do offer our support to one another.

Are you prescribed or taking HRT or other medication that could explain these symptoms? Postmenopausal bleeding is not normal and I recommend that you make an appointment with your gynecologist? I don't want to frighten you unnecessarily but I had postmenopausal bleeding and an ultrasound showed thickening of the endometrium of my uterus. My gynecologist did a D & C and hysteroscopy - the tissue from the D & C was sent to pathology and the result was endometrial cancer. This is why I urge you to get this checked out.

Can you call your gynecologist's office tomorrow and make an urgent appointment? If the scheduler suggests an appointment that is more than one month out I suggest that you ask to be on a wait list for any cancellations as you should be seen soon.


I am 55 and believe I am in menopause now. I still have an IUD that needs to be removed in a year or two. When I got Covid, I got sensitive breasts and bleeding after not having these symptoms for a couple years. Have you been sick recently or under a lot of stress that may have triggered these symptoms? Have you changed any medications/supplements or changed diet?


Thank you for replying. No medication or HRT. Last couple of days breasts are not tender and spotting gone, fingers crossed. Everywhere on internet says though this should not happen post menopausal however maybe it does for some women. Honestly what we have to go through with hormones.


Thank you for replying. No medication or HRT. Last couple of days breasts are not tender and spotting gone, fingers crossed. Everywhere on internet says though this should not happen post menopausal however maybe it does for some women. Honestly what we have to go through with hormones.

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@nembrotti My bleeding/discharge also went away but then came back. It was the second time that it happened that I called my gynecologist.

Bleeding postmenopausal is not a normal consequence. Did you talk about with your doctor about your symptoms?

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