Tell me anything you know about ALT Phos

Posted by happyjack @happyjack, Nov 13, 2024

I had some blood work yesterday and my ALT Phos came back at 1198, and the lab showed normal range at 44-121. I am not finding much with a search here or online. I do not know the breakdown of the Liver vs bone ALT Phos. The nurse that called me with the results did say my liver enzymes as my AST/SGOT (normal range 15-37) was 144 and my ALT/SGPT (normal range 16-63) was 159. My Bilirubin was normal.

Best wishes to all with your battle against cancer.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Pancreatic Cancer Support Group.

Milk thistle is a good detox for the Liver


Thank you, I will pick some up at the store on Friday and give it a try.


Thank you for the link. I did find that and the info seems a bit foggy. "Even though researchers know the function of several other types of enzymes and have studied alkaline phosphatase for decades, they don’t yet know the exact function of ALP. However, researchers believe it’s important for multiple different processes." That is from the article and seems the info is not at all specific and even the limits of the readings are not outlined. I found a post on this site and the numbers for that person was in the 400's. With my numbers being 1198 or approx. 10 times the normal range high of 121 I would guess that I am very high. Just wanted to see if someone else had delt with this or could remember reading about this with maybe some more accurate info. Seems to me that either my liver is failing from medications I have been on or there is a blockage in my ducts again. Thing is my bilirubin is still in the normal range and with the last blockage it went 20x normal. And as far as bone enzymes it list that cancer spreading from another location (my pancan) to the bone can be a cause. My doctor does not seem to be concerned enough to follow up. I am on palliative care, and he has not advised a move to hospice yet. I am just trying to get some kind of idea what this may mean for me going forward. I have not had any real new symptoms. Just that one day of sickness and extreme pain. I do have a kind of rash to my face and back. Not really a rash but itching. My face has pore's that seem to leak clear scab forming stuff that itches like a healing scab when it hardens. I have had a cold for 10 days or so that came about a few days after the bad day. My son has the same cold symptoms I have and we most likely give it to each other.

Again thank you for taking the time to reply. Best of luck to you with your struggle against cancer.

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