Traumatic Brain Injury and Concussion

Posted by gregd1956 @gregd1956, Dec 1, 2023

>>> TBI – Brain Injury <

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TBI – Brain Injury

I have/had a brain-injury one block at my house. It was a bicycle accident when running that bicycle. My injury hit the right-side of my brain as killed a lot of my ability, memory, understanding and I lost 80% of my human professional life, including part of my physical ability… like swimming, cutting my grass, and playing – a good way - my music, guitar, amps and , my remembering is done.

Today, I have a good life even though the problems can help a lot of what I did and do like: playing my guitar & chords, but my memory of songs are not there. Trying to remember a song, its only a few minutes to get it back.

I do a lot things that I can do, today and thankfully, she is my best friend for the last 40 years.


I had a TBI in 1972 at age 20 when a railing at my parent’s home outside the kitchen porch gave way and I fell 14 feet fracturing my skull on the left side. At that time MRI or CT Scans were not yet invented but nominal X-rays they took showed no outward spine or limb damage except for my head. Initially upon waking in the hospital a week after the accident I could not hear out of my left ear. That has now become a slight decibel hearing loss on the lower tone scale only. What ever other damage was done I added to it by falling again during an earthquake in southern Calif in 1988. That really damaged my back big time requiring a fusion. Unfortunately my body sustained damage as I now have severe spinal OA which is beginning to migrate to hips. Short term memory has always been an issue for me requiring me to reread educational material over and over to get it. Now that I’m 71 my memory has decreased somewhat but I had myself evaluated by a Geriatric Assessment Center at my local hospital and I’m good, no issues of concern.


I had a TBI in 1972 at age 20 when a railing at my parent’s home outside the kitchen porch gave way and I fell 14 feet fracturing my skull on the left side. At that time MRI or CT Scans were not yet invented but nominal X-rays they took showed no outward spine or limb damage except for my head. Initially upon waking in the hospital a week after the accident I could not hear out of my left ear. That has now become a slight decibel hearing loss on the lower tone scale only. What ever other damage was done I added to it by falling again during an earthquake in southern Calif in 1988. That really damaged my back big time requiring a fusion. Unfortunately my body sustained damage as I now have severe spinal OA which is beginning to migrate to hips. Short term memory has always been an issue for me requiring me to reread educational material over and over to get it. Now that I’m 71 my memory has decreased somewhat but I had myself evaluated by a Geriatric Assessment Center at my local hospital and I’m good, no issues of concern.

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Thank-you, Jen… and you has a BI years before… I saw your writing which is
way-better I think. I’m slow and re-read parts if I need to. You fell-down
14 feet… Things have changed - a little 😉. I fell down in a hard-road and
hit my left-side of my front-brain. Thankfully my wife has helping my life
for the 11 years after. I lost my professional government ability for my
master-degree to try foe the city manager job.
Greg D.
PS: My wife wrote part of it 😉


At the time my injury occurred there was no research around TBI and I was left on my own to figure it out. When I was in radiology technology school I had to read and reread chapters repeatedly for the info to sink in. Same thing in nursing school it was a challenge. Things have improved over the years and I try to follow the trends on improving memory by eating recommended foods to increase brain function too. I’m glad you have your wife at your side.


@greg1956 and @jenatsky you both are champions in your fight against TBI. I studied this in the late 70’s early 80’s during graduate training in neural psychology. The technology has advanced rapidly towards identifying the TBI. Sadly the treatment and therapy for rehabilitation has not kept up. You both deserve credit big time for the progress you’ve made!


@greg1956 and @jenatsky you both are champions in your fight against TBI. I studied this in the late 70’s early 80’s during graduate training in neural psychology. The technology has advanced rapidly towards identifying the TBI. Sadly the treatment and therapy for rehabilitation has not kept up. You both deserve credit big time for the progress you’ve made!

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Thank-y you, @cehunt57. Jen did this in the 70s and my BI started in 2012.
What you said, fixing brain-injury is doesn’t fix-it back the 100%
physically, mentally, or emotionally problems.

I lost 80% my brain, including swimming, running, driving, teaching,
working, talking/understanding and more, BUT I changed to a different ways
and I’m still alive ❤️
Greg D.


I hope you didnt delete of what you wrote: Your. husband caught the fire in your kitchen. He saws NO when asked him. Did he slided or fell down. Did you asked of his memory is a little broken? Did he slided or fell down?

For me, 80% I lost it, but today I remember a minute, day, week.

I ask you, did he has a TBI or stroke or age as we get older like 60s plus or a different way?


After my TBI I lost a lot of things like playing again with my guitar/amp/pedals, but now I play it, BUT my memory of hearing and the sound of what song name and what chords? Playing chords and strings is easy, but what ones? That kills me ofthat memory. I played bands on Fri-Sat outside diff places.

I got a goid -laces at my house - outside (when it warm) and inside to do a lot of stuff like taking call of my babies - Oakley (Little Boy) and my queen Pepper the dogs - what types of them? I lost thangs like this. But both i]of them is around 50-55 lbs… Pepper is a 12 yo Border Collie… she’s a Baseball Nut and play with her and she gives back to her… the other one, I can’t remember what type but his hair is soft by holding him is the softes one and he runs way more that I never felt any dogies before.

When I written this, these help me on my brain and doing and remembering daily for me. Yes. I have a TBI in 2012 years ago and lost everything, BUT overtime I get things that I need. Sure, I can’t remember and changing to a different place, but I’m alive and doing things which is good. 😉


Who have a >TBI< from an accident - falling down, riding a car/motorcycle, suicide (but still alive). Some people, that I know, we’re really young and has a TBI. Others, like me (68 yo), the age turns to a different way than the little kids. Our life has changed - a little different way than “normal” ways 🙃

1) Having a TBI, might be: close friends, families or closed families, or yourself? ❤️

2) How can you help, daily, the best-friends, families, or yourself? 😉

3) How about exercising like talking daily with someone, lifting your body, walking inside or outside your home, cooking, cleaning , helping, and on… 😉

4) Who loves MAYO and why? ❤️


Who have a >TBI< from an accident - falling down, riding a car/motorcycle, suicide (but still alive). Some people, that I know, we’re really young and has a TBI. Others, like me (68 yo), the age turns to a different way than the little kids. Our life has changed - a little different way than “normal” ways 🙃

1) Having a TBI, might be: close friends, families or closed families, or yourself? ❤️

2) How can you help, daily, the best-friends, families, or yourself? 😉

3) How about exercising like talking daily with someone, lifting your body, walking inside or outside your home, cooking, cleaning , helping, and on… 😉

4) Who loves MAYO and why? ❤️

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Hi @gregd1956, I moved your post to the Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Support Group here

I know you'll get more responses from others who have experience living with TBI here. I'm tagging fellow members like @badbenny @hevykevy @ethancarruthers @dawnpereda @lakelifelady @lolabelle1 @lanieg @craigdunn @kayabbott @ricj @willow11 and many others.

I think you'll appreciate browsing through the various discussions in the group and joining in.

Greg, did you get back on your bicycle since your injury? What activities do you like doing?

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