Tamoxifen and mental health

Posted by aspapla @aspapla, Jan 23, 2023

I started taking tamoxifen as part of my BC treatment a couple of weeks ago and have been really struggling with nervousness, anxiety and depression from the first days of taking this medication. The effect on me feels similar to PMS but intensified, and having it every single day.

As this is a long-term treatment (my oncologist told me I would be on this pill for 10 years as I also have a genetic predisposition), I wanted to ask other women whether such side-effects of tamoxifen subside over time (and how long would that be!), or if they are part of the whole duration of the treatment. I can't wait to go back to my usual mental state and am hoping I am still only adjusting. I have been prescribed with Effexor which I am about to start, but I also would not want to be on anti-depressants for the whole 10 years of Tamoxifen.

Thank you very much,

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I’ve been on tamoxifen for 3 years. I’m also on Effexor and Xanax to help with the anxiety. I am 52 and have night sweats, curse in my sleep and yell “help” every night. My hair has become very thin on top, my teeth are breaking. I have 4 new crowns. I’m extremely tired all the time. No one has empathy. Everyone thinks since my mastectomy, I’m back to normal and should act normal. But I don’t feel normal. It’s like I’m in fear of every thing. I present myself as “all together” then come home and remove the happy mask and crawl in bed.

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I'm 53 and had not started menopause when I was diagnosed. I started Tamoxifen and it threw me into menopause after almost two months of being on it and had a lot of the same side effects @tmfranz did. I have crazy night sweats followed by freeze sessions, I'm losing my hair, and I became very anxious and depressed. I feel absolutely crazy sometimes. I'm finally able to start exercising again and hoping that will help. I'm currently not taking anything but thinking I might need to. I also struggle with the empathy factor from other people. I actually had someone tell me that I had this thing beat and I should "move on." Really insensitive. We are also moving to a new city and I'm going to have to find doctors all over again which feels a little overwhelming. Thank goodness it's going to be close to JAX Mayo Clinic and hopefully can find some good ones. Thank you all for sharing your struggles. It helps me feel a little more normal.

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