Switching from Forte to teriparatide

Posted by janflute @janflute, Mar 5 6:59pm

I stated taking Forteo in July 2022 and stop in July 2024. The price has now gone up $2500 a month. I can get Teriparatide for $250 a month I think. Is it difficult for your body to change from Forteo to Teriparatide? I know that it is the same drug, but, nevertheless, it has a different carrying agent I think. Has anyone switched and what were their experiences?

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I think it's too new for people to comment. The price sure looks attractive. I recommend researching the company making the drug and double check the FDA website for approvals https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cder/daf/index.cfm?event=overview.process&ApplNo=125320 .

Keep us informed. You're in new territory.



Thank you so much for your research and compilation of the drugs to combat osteoporosis video. It was the best overview which I have seen to date. I had severe adverse reactions to Evenity and stopped after one series. So glad that you have benefited from it. You should definitely post the link to your video again. It’s over an hour long; however, it was well-worth my time. I believe that everyone could benefit from it! Kudos!

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