Swelling and stiffness after PCDF

Posted by wsmd @wsmd, Jul 10, 2023

I have made posterior cervical fusion for C4 ,C5,C6,C7,T1,T2 on 20 June 2023 , the purpose of surgery was to fix a problem called cervical cage subsidence happened after ACDF
Since 20 June I got about 20% enhancement on the post surgery swelling and stiffness and sharp pain, the 1st X ray after the surgery show excellent result as the surgery correct the curve from kyphosis straight
I need your help to know how long it take for these post symptoms to subside after such major surgery

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@wsmd I'm glad to hear of your improvement. I know those muscle spasms can be pretty tough after surgery. Does a heat wrap help? You may want to ask your surgeon if you can take magnesium to help the muscles relax. It might not make a huge improvement because you are recovering from a big trauma from surgery. It is a slow journey to recovery. I remember by 3 months I could forget I had surgery although my neck was weak from the neck brace. Hang in there!

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