surgery should never called dr

Posted by hondaman @hondaman, Jan 28 2:58am

schedule lumbar Lamectomy on 1/28/2025 . walking lie a cripple until i get it 5 days before surgery date ago got abaf virus excessive violent coughing from my asthma causing stomach pain
Feeling better day before surgery but still small a cough from asthma on and off so called my surgery in morning told him situation he canceled surgery . Have to wait for for a new surg apt took 6 weeks for this one. Should have never called him just go to the dam hospital on date of surgery no matter how you feel and they may over look if coughing and still do the surgery.anesthis.

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today is actual i day to appear in hospital and not coughing even though have had have bronchitus with asthma but very little cough but cant do it as my dr cancelled the surg day before becaues i jumped to soon to call him he should have tole me wait to uoufeel day of surgery


I hope you did. Remember you will be having some kind of anesthesia. Your doctor did the right thing to make sure your breathing is ok with surgery.


@hondaman I understand this is frustrating for you to have a planned surgery cancelled at the last minute. I know you've likely been thorough dealing with nervous energy leading up to today and that can be significant.

Here are some things to consider. During general anesthesia, the functions of your nervous system are so diminished that you are not able to breathe on your own. The assistants in the operating room will have intubated you, and you will be connected to a ventilator. They monitor your oxygen and carbon dioxide levels very closely. If you have a lung infection creating phlegm or inflammation or allergies and asthma that might constrict your airways, you would be at significant risk of being oxygen deprived if your lung function diminished further. They wouldn't know if lung inflammation and narrowing or airways could get worse as you lie on their table. Your surgeon knows this is unsafe to proceed with surgery if your lungs are not functioning well. Don't be annoyed, be glad that your surgeon is looking out for you! Oxygen deprivation can cause brain damage.

I had just done all the prep work for a colonoscopy last week with several days of very limited food intake, and when I drank the necessary solution the night before, it triggered my asthma and I needed to use my rescue inhaler and the steroid preventative inhaler. There was no one I could call at night, so I called at 7 AM to let them know what happened, and my procedure was cancelled. It's been rescheduled and I just got a new list and protocol for how I need to prepare myself. I still needed my inhaler on and off all day because of the inflammation in my body from the reaction.


Always better safe than sorry. Spine surgery is complicated enough without pulmonary complications.


I understand your frustration however the Dr. made the right decision and you made the right decision to notify him. The 6 weeks wait may feel like a long time but you and other patients will be safer because you made the right decision.


If you place yourself under a doctor's care, I believe you should be completely truthful and trust in his judgment when mitigating circumstances arise. Maybe God stepped in, wanted your surgery delayed, and created circumstances that warranted the doctor canceling the surgery. Who knows....but it's always best to error on the side of safety. I believe your doctor made a decision with your best interests at heart.😇

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