
Posted by jerryw @jerryw, Nov 25, 2023

Hello everyone. Has anyone here ever tried any of these supplements like, " Nuphoria ", " Nerve Renew", or R- Alpha-Lipoic-Acid". Would like to see if someone has actual experience with them. Thank you.

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I took Nerve Renew and took it over a year, and absolutely no results and then tried Revitive, a electronic pulsing device you put both bare feet on and adjust amount of frequency to shock nerves in feet and ankle areas, and seemed to make neuropathy worse, instead of better! Still hoping some research clinic/Dr., will figure out "MGUS" and neuropathy and give us all some relief! Cam you imagine IF someone found the cure for cancers and neuropathy? There would be an unemployment line 10,000 miles long of "supplement" makers, medical equipment makers, Drs., neurologist s, therapists, drug company employees, and the line would never end!


I have been having burning in bottom of feet for the past 3 1/2 months. Sometimes in shins and calves. TERRIBLE. I am finally going in next week for EMG. Took 3 months to get in. Appointment with Neurologist not until March, there waiting list was 6 months out. I do take medications that apparently can lead to neuropathy, Amlodipine 5mg, stopped it. 40 mg Statin for just 9 months, only had 20% and 40% clog in artery, stopped it. Eating very healthy now and exercise. Also for 3 years a PPI for acid reflux. Tapering off that now. Have not had heartburn in over a year actually. Ambien for sleep, will be stopping that in February. Right now tapering off of Valium, about another 2 months for that. But I have seen alot of research, even from Government websites that say all these meds can possibly lead to neuropathy. I am hoping for the best.

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I am currently doing research on neuropathy since no doctor seems to want to focus on it for longer than 30 seconds. I have been plagued for about 5 years with neuropathy in my feet, a lot of numbness with limited pain. I have plenty of pain in my head to make up for the small amount in my feet. I just started ALA at 200mg/day. It seems to be helping almost immediately.
I take little Big Pharma drugs, only for my hypothyroidism and my hypertension. I just completed a six-month course of prednisone to treat my PMR (polymyalgia rheumatica). Currently we are treating my hyperparathyroidism with vitamin D and calcium supplements. No other drugs except Tylenol for pain.
My PCP wanted to start me on statins because my Lipid Panel was creeping up. I totally resisted and decided to give up refined sugar. It took about two months to no longer crave sugar, but I was able to kick the habit. The serendipity was my Lipid panel has not looked this good in 25 years. That was two years ago. I still do not eat refined sugar, no longer even want it.
I eat organic at home, and do not go to fast food places or eat in chain restaurants where the food is processed so that every site is serving the exact same food.
I applaud your efforts to get off of Big Pharma. My experience is that fewer drugs allows our body to do what it does best, that is, to heal itself. Hang in there and you will be able to better identify and treat your problems with fewer drugs and more healthy living lifestyles.

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