Suggestions please—lower back pain interrupting sleep
I’m hoping for suggestions from fellow sufferers who can’t sleep or keep waking up from lower back pain caused by arthritis. I can’t take nsaids, and Tylenol doesn’t help at all. Tried otc sleep aids that don’t work. Will be having hip replacement soon and doc says that may help with back pain but seems contrary to his diagnosis of arthritis in lower back. Stretching and chiropractic have not helped. I have an adjustable bed frame and use that to change position but that’s not helping any more. I use pillows under or between legs to relieve pressure but that lasts only a minute or two. Just bought some Salon Pas to try on lower back and hoping I’ll get some decent sleep. I wake up at least 6-7 times a night in pain and have a hard time getting back to sleep. Thanks in advance for any suggestions you might have.
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I have discovered Stop Pain roll on - (Amazon). At night I put a small strip of Volteren (or the generic) and roll it in with the Stop Pain. Give it.a couple minutes to be absorbed before put jammies on. Stop Pain was a game changer for me and have been using it for 10 years - other over.the.counter did not work for me. Best of Luck to you.
Me too
My wife goes to the pain clinic where they go in and burn the nerves on one side and two week later burn the nerves on the opposite side; probably will have to do this annually unless they come up with a better treatment
It sounds like her pain is from nerve impingement or involvement. As far as I know mine is exclusively from arthritis,
Degenerative disc disease has caused her lower vertebrae’s to collapse, causing her pain and discomfort!
I am sorry she’s suffering and glad the treatment helps!
It only is short term, goes back annually for a repeat. And, of course, not being able to walk a lot, one sits around and, well, gains weight, which makes it even harder on her…. And me!
Unlike @heyjoe415 I LOVE my heating pad. I am a second-generation user, LOL. My dad used to lay on his at night and now I do the same.
I have to do exercise and keep my core taught. I have degenerative disc disease. The Neurologist did nothing but the Orthopedic surgeon did everything immediately. You didn't say what kind of doctor you were seeing @msvjv make sure you've seen various doctors like a pain mgt dr., a kinesiology dr., oh, and be sure to find a GREAT MFR therapist!!! That is a lifesaver with no downside - except in your pocketbook! There is a section here on it. I swear by it better than anything. Arthritis by itself does not necessarily cause pain. You must have some other degenerative stuff going on. I hope you had MRIs and Xrays to pinpoint your pain. Usually the surgeon refers you for treatments. Or your doctor can do that. I loved my back surgery. Good luck!
A single xray. What is MFR?
by an ORTHOPEDIC SURGEON @msvjv ???? (the xray). What are they supposed to be fixing?
I've had TREMENDOUS results! After your body compensates for bone and disc repositioning due to degeneration, aging, and arthritis, MFR therapy RELEASES the tugging by your connective tissue, muscles, et al. upon the bones. It relieves painful pressure and weight. You should try a couple of times before surgery - it will put you in a magnificent position to heal better and continue afterward.