Sudden tinnitus and drop in hearing in left ear, ETD?

Posted by user_ch783e933 @user_ch783e933, Aug 12, 2023

Otologist said this sudden reduction in hearing in my left ear and hissing tinnitus will "probably go away" in a few weeks (valsalva maneuver did this!) Audiologist said nerve damage (dreadful audiologist really, just there for baseline per otologist). BUT if I cup my ear even slightly (tilt the ear lobe forward) I hear NORMALLY so it can't be nerve damage! Seeing otologist again Tuesday, need imaging: CT scan or MRI??? Want to know if ET is ok, I know they're damaged because they click when I swallow (for years now) but the left one pops and feels "full". Feedback??? Thanks.

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I also find that if I cup my ear forward the sound is more normal. I wonder why?


I also find that if I cup my ear forward the sound is more normal. I wonder why?

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It seems to me if the NERVE is damaged, it's DAMAGED, all the time, no matter what. I actually am fairly convinced my case is ETD, I can hear the eustachian tube pop and crackle at times, other side too but for some reason the valsalva maneuver made the left one worse. I'm asking otologist for MRI or any tests for eustachian tube dysfunction. Audiologist I saw was absolutely awful and there aren't any others around here that don't push hearing aids on you.


Just wondering if you have been checked for Menier’s Disease. Some of the symptoms such as tinnitus, hearing loss, feeling of fullness can also be symptoms of Menier’s Disease. If you are also experiencing episodes of vertigo I would suggest you ask your otolaryngologist about this possibility.


I was using the valsalva maneuver (hold nose closed, blow through ears) to try to dislodge was on my right eardrum. I did it alot (becuase I'm an idiot apparently). In ten seconds, I got tinnitus in my left ear and a considerable drop in hearing.

I have an otologist at a teaching hospital. I've seen him for 7 years now. Part of treatment for otitis externa I got there caused ETD of some sort, I hear myself swallowing (in both ears). He sent me to audiologist after this happened to my left ear (3 weeks ago) test results significant change in left ear from first one 14 years ago: moderate to severe. The tinnitus interfered with the test.

Otologist prescribed the major ingredient of flonase (not OTC), once in each nostril. I"ve read this takes months to work. Hearing in left ear actually improved (he said it would) but upper register sounds are much harder to hear now. Otologist says making a small hole in eardrum, and then later possibly putting in tubes, would help but that this will heal by itself. I don't want holes anywhere, no thanks.

He doesn't seem to know any imaging that would show what's going on in my ear, like MRI. He uses a large microscope with camera but I want an MRI. Is there an imaging procedure that will "see" my eustachian tubes?


Just wondering if you have been checked for Menier’s Disease. Some of the symptoms such as tinnitus, hearing loss, feeling of fullness can also be symptoms of Menier’s Disease. If you are also experiencing episodes of vertigo I would suggest you ask your otolaryngologist about this possibility.

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I don't think I have that, no dizziness no feeling of fullness (that went away), tinnitus is still there but I know from experience that changes and it does eventually go away. I want an MRI but he says it "can't see the eustachian tubes", I've read otherwise though. This hearing loss happened in ten seconds.


Best wishes to you in your search for answers. I know from experience how frustrating it can be sometimes. Keep advocating for yourself!


I was using the valsalva maneuver (hold nose closed, blow through ears) to try to dislodge was on my right eardrum. I did it alot (becuase I'm an idiot apparently). In ten seconds, I got tinnitus in my left ear and a considerable drop in hearing.

I have an otologist at a teaching hospital. I've seen him for 7 years now. Part of treatment for otitis externa I got there caused ETD of some sort, I hear myself swallowing (in both ears). He sent me to audiologist after this happened to my left ear (3 weeks ago) test results significant change in left ear from first one 14 years ago: moderate to severe. The tinnitus interfered with the test.

Otologist prescribed the major ingredient of flonase (not OTC), once in each nostril. I"ve read this takes months to work. Hearing in left ear actually improved (he said it would) but upper register sounds are much harder to hear now. Otologist says making a small hole in eardrum, and then later possibly putting in tubes, would help but that this will heal by itself. I don't want holes anywhere, no thanks.

He doesn't seem to know any imaging that would show what's going on in my ear, like MRI. He uses a large microscope with camera but I want an MRI. Is there an imaging procedure that will "see" my eustachian tubes?

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HI - thanks for this update. when you say "I hear myself swallowing (in both ears)" - what is it that you hear? clicking? popping?

also wondering what the actual diagnosis is that he felt would be treated with the nasal drops - eustachian tube dysfunction can be due to being stuck open OR closed, with different treatments ands remedies for each.

He made his ETD based soley on symptoms? was there ever a camera put through your nose to view your ET openings?

also, re your hearing loss and return - you say the upper register sounds are harder to hear now - is that reflected in your audiogram or is it your subjective experience alone?

You believe valasalva caused this, or the doc at the teaching hospital caused it?

Wishing you the best on this journey, and following closely - please keep us posted.


HI - thanks for this update. when you say "I hear myself swallowing (in both ears)" - what is it that you hear? clicking? popping?

also wondering what the actual diagnosis is that he felt would be treated with the nasal drops - eustachian tube dysfunction can be due to being stuck open OR closed, with different treatments ands remedies for each.

He made his ETD based soley on symptoms? was there ever a camera put through your nose to view your ET openings?

also, re your hearing loss and return - you say the upper register sounds are harder to hear now - is that reflected in your audiogram or is it your subjective experience alone?

You believe valasalva caused this, or the doc at the teaching hospital caused it?

Wishing you the best on this journey, and following closely - please keep us posted.

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When I swallow, both my ETs clunk, sometimes loudly, sometimes a small bit: CLUNK, or click. Ongoing since treatment started with ear lavage in 2017, that pretty much fried my tubes.

Diagnosis was by magic: no testing done at all. And this guy is an otologist at a major teaching hospital. No scope; no MRI; no x-ray; no nothing. He used the huge microscope with the camera attached to look into the ear as he does every time I see him. This will change. He will order an MRI and he will do whatever test required even the nose camera which I had done once a very long time ago and it totally freaked me out. I don't know how I'm going to handle that emotionally.

Hearing has not fully returned and I doubt it will. Audiologist report was not good. My left ear used to be better than my right, now it's much worse but I can't read that graph and the audiologist was the worst, I mean it's hard to imagine that girl is actually licensed in NY State to do this. Zero discussion about results: ZERO explanation of anything. Horrible. I'm probably going to have to do it again soon but aside from people who sell hearing aids, there doesn't seem to be another audiologist around here. There's one at the hospital of course but getting there and back is expensive if I hire a car and right now I can't drive myself, my anxiety levels are too high.

Upper register: highest pitch sounds. I have a smart TV, Sony Bravia, and when I move the icon from app to app it makes a high pitched "bink". I hear that much better in my right ear which was the "bad" ear. Dr. says hearing will improve over time but so far it has only a bit.

I think the valsalva caused it. BUT: I had been taking 10mg of Prozac for one week and that is an ototoxic drug, unknown to me of course. I've read that medication caused ear problems clear up when you stop the med. The hearing has improved but it's not gone back to normal.

I'm not using the nasal spray. First: I read that patulous (sic) ETD is worsened by it, and since I don't have a real diagnosis I'm not taking a chance. Additionally, I have dry eye and it's very disruptive of my life because it interferes with clear sight especially during this godawful summer. That nasal spray is known to worsen dry eye. I stopped using it after two days.

I'm seeing him again in two weeks. Meanwhile, I'm going to look for another ENT, there's a good hospital across the river, I'm going to look at their ENT dept. If this guy doesn't order tests, I'll find one that will.



I also experienced sudden hearing loss in my left ear and increased tinnitus after a hammering project. I waited for a couple of weeks hoping it would eventually fix itself. Had two audiologist appointments, an MRI and two hearing tests. Nothing appeared to be wrong. Excuse me, but I can’t hear! My left nostril runs CONSTANTLY, and my eyes water. I feel like there is a connection. I was told an ENT visit would not help. Am I foolish to request an appointment?


I also experienced sudden hearing loss in my left ear and increased tinnitus after a hammering project. I waited for a couple of weeks hoping it would eventually fix itself. Had two audiologist appointments, an MRI and two hearing tests. Nothing appeared to be wrong. Excuse me, but I can’t hear! My left nostril runs CONSTANTLY, and my eyes water. I feel like there is a connection. I was told an ENT visit would not help. Am I foolish to request an appointment?

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ENT isn't good enough, you need an otologist, that's a specialty in ENT. Because the equipment they use for procedures is extremely expensive, a specialist like this is usually associated with a hospital, a large teaching hospital probably. I can't tell you if this person can do any more for you but it's who I'm seeing, I have another appt with him Wednesday. He's been my otologist for 7 years. I know they can put a camera into your nose to examine your eustachian tubes (or larynx, etc.), don't think I really want that experience again (had it many years ago) without anesthesia but I'll see what he says. It sounds to me that you have a eustachian tube disorder. I know I do but at this point I think the hearing loss, which is in the upper register of sound, is permanent. You never know, though. So I'd look online for ENT department of hospitals and call to see if they have an Otologist on staff and the equipment necessary, that's an enormous microscope in the procedure room. It has a lens attachment.

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