Suboxone Strips

Posted by krisjb1 @krisjb1, Oct 14, 2022

I have a very poor tolerance for aspirin and tylenol. Both make me feel terrible which is not a good thing as I already may be feeling that way due to terrible headaches that I get with Lyme relapses. The headache is so bad that I am not functional and take to my bed for days. I tried a small amount of methadone given by a friend and was shocked, surprised, and so relieved when the headache disappeared. But getting my own prescription has so far been impossible. A friend gave me a few Suboxone strips . I need to try Suboxone to see its effects before I commit to use during a crisis. I can't think at all when I am not well. BTW I don't have an addictive personality and I am not at all concerned about that aspect. I just need to avoid severe pain and so far cannot find a prescriber.

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Can you explain the "cannabis tincture higher in CBD"?
Is that homemade or can you purchase it?

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Medical marijuana dispensaries typically have products that contain both THC and CBD. CBD is harder to extract from the plant and is less available than THC products. I have found tinctures that are 1:1 ration and 20:1 ration CBD:THC but it’s challenging and dependent upon growers supply to dispensaries. Because it’s not steady I’ve developed a work around. I buy CBD products online which contain less than 0.3mg of THC but 6,000mg CBD so it’s legal to ship and I look for a tincture high in THC to use with the CBD. I take this 3x day. I had initially thought getting totally stoned would kill my pain, not so. So I reversed my process and it worked for me. Although I’m still in pain, #4 on the scale chronically, I’m still able to perform all my ADL’s without issue. I also micro-dose with vapes throughout my day to keep my drug levels steady.


2mg twice a day for Buprenorphine. At 40x stronger than morphine guaranteed to be withdrawals. It's prescribed for pain which is why is low dose. If it were prescribed for opioid addiction it'd be 25-50mg.

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I am very sensitive to any kind of drug including aspirin, tylenol, etc. All cause side effects. Additionally-they don't work! I may try 1/2 mg to gauge the effect. If I don't have any significant negative effects I can use it when I get really sick. That means a few times-not daily or for an extended period of time. I just wonder if it will relieve severe pain when it happens.


You need to find a pain specialist who prescribes it. Look for Pain Medicine treatment and/or a rehab physician who prescribes it. A special license or certificate is necessary to prescribe it for pain. Look for an MD or DO I feel might be best bet unless you find an NP who practices with a group. It is possible and has gotten easier to find but worth it.

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That is exactly where I am going next if I can get a referral there. I have some neck issues and have been taking Gabapentin at night for it. It doesn't do anything for my neck but it does help me sleep better I think. I found a pain clinic that prescribes Buprenorphine. Maybe I will be able to keep some meds on hand for a really bad time. I don't expect to take them on a daily basis. Even though my neck problems are annoying and getting worse I can live with them without meds so far.


I am very sensitive to any kind of drug including aspirin, tylenol, etc. All cause side effects. Additionally-they don't work! I may try 1/2 mg to gauge the effect. If I don't have any significant negative effects I can use it when I get really sick. That means a few times-not daily or for an extended period of time. I just wonder if it will relieve severe pain when it happens.

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That's your call. I was all about this medication the first five days but now I feel way different. I was surprised how quickly my body adapted to needing it and the cause of slight withdrawal symptoms when bumping it down to 1mg, once in the morning. I took my second dose before the 12-hour mark, at 9 hours and the symptoms lessened before the pill dissolved under my tongue. This scared me.

I’ve taken OxyContin 40mg-60mg a day on my way to 80mg per doctors orders but went through withdrawals on my own when I said enough, can’t live like this. Prior to that neurologist prescribed Percocet 7.5mg 240 a month, then the Acetaminophen amounts worried me and I suggested 15mg Codeine Sulfate; she prescribed 30mg. Which still made me nauseated and pain overrode it like it was nothing. Back then I was drinking but I never mixed booze and painkillers. I knew the risk, in my case, death because of the way I was drinking. Never drank on the Percocet and the OxyContin for the same reason.

Did you know Buprenorphine increased dental problems including tooth loss being common side effects, even in people who have no history of dental problems?

I took FMLA at 1pm today from being severely nauseated and dizzy. Pain increased from 3/10-5/10 with various degrees of pain and burning in my back, neck, and right side to my ankle; nerves all the way to my ankle, lol. Fun times.

Shot down to the doctor office instead of calling at my 14 day mark which was the agreement. I already factored in, they don't do prescription refills on Friday. Just in case he is feeling generous and going, Oh shit!, knowing what this cycle could spell out with withdrawals and having a heart with all the political bullshit tied to this subject. I’d like to think doctors still understand and do what is right despite the red tape. -edit 4:16pm: His office called back (I didn’t ask them to), left a voice mail (was trying to nap, relaxed no less trying to ease severe nausea) and scheduled an emergency appointment with me tomorrow. Called back and accepted.


That's your call. I was all about this medication the first five days but now I feel way different. I was surprised how quickly my body adapted to needing it and the cause of slight withdrawal symptoms when bumping it down to 1mg, once in the morning. I took my second dose before the 12-hour mark, at 9 hours and the symptoms lessened before the pill dissolved under my tongue. This scared me.

I’ve taken OxyContin 40mg-60mg a day on my way to 80mg per doctors orders but went through withdrawals on my own when I said enough, can’t live like this. Prior to that neurologist prescribed Percocet 7.5mg 240 a month, then the Acetaminophen amounts worried me and I suggested 15mg Codeine Sulfate; she prescribed 30mg. Which still made me nauseated and pain overrode it like it was nothing. Back then I was drinking but I never mixed booze and painkillers. I knew the risk, in my case, death because of the way I was drinking. Never drank on the Percocet and the OxyContin for the same reason.

Did you know Buprenorphine increased dental problems including tooth loss being common side effects, even in people who have no history of dental problems?

I took FMLA at 1pm today from being severely nauseated and dizzy. Pain increased from 3/10-5/10 with various degrees of pain and burning in my back, neck, and right side to my ankle; nerves all the way to my ankle, lol. Fun times.

Shot down to the doctor office instead of calling at my 14 day mark which was the agreement. I already factored in, they don't do prescription refills on Friday. Just in case he is feeling generous and going, Oh shit!, knowing what this cycle could spell out with withdrawals and having a heart with all the political bullshit tied to this subject. I’d like to think doctors still understand and do what is right despite the red tape. -edit 4:16pm: His office called back (I didn’t ask them to), left a voice mail (was trying to nap, relaxed no less trying to ease severe nausea) and scheduled an emergency appointment with me tomorrow. Called back and accepted.

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I spoke to the receptionist at the office and told her after the last dose, I'm done (Thursday morning's the last one). The pain relief is secondary to the side effects. Said, I'm not here for painkillers and can wait to have that conversation November 8th. Said, I'm done and I need to know what the withdrawals will look like and for how long. Room full of people and fairly noisy so had to raise voice some. Tried to avoid eye contact with those on the way out for fear they overheard and/or had judgment which I avoid at all costs. I’m low-key.

Weird, feeling angry, straight to the point conversation. Nothing to lose but stop this madness. November 8th was going to be me explaining through a chronic pain journal (part of an agreement during 14 day trial) with charts for symptoms, pain, 1-5 gauges for activity and sleep; meals, times, etc., and I began using it as a journal for daily symptoms, the way it made me feel, and medication issues, tracking delivery systems for THC and how much by time chart, decreased symptoms, ad-libs, etc.

My point is this is where I've about had it. I'm quite ticked about this opioid crisis, or lack there of prescribing something that can be taken as needed. Dosage with any medication has always been the last resort for me since I took pain relief into my own hands away from past experiences where I followed the doctor's orders. He says he supports THC but is afraid I may get euphoria from a painkiller. The side effects from Buprenorphine are extensive with real dangers and get you high to some degree. They made me feel normal. I was taking 2mg every 12 hours. The Tylenol 3 I was cracking the pill in half to 15mg for relief and it gave me stomach pain, aches, bloating, and in the end CRPS laughed at it trying to be tough.

If it weren’t for the side effects I’d be flying as high as I felt in days 1-5 due to which resulted in not having any pain. Zero pain, was an emotional realization that since January 2, 2001 around 11pm was the last time I felt no pain. My activity levels went through the roof and I exercised hard. I pushed myself for 3 days harder than I’ve ever tried on the bike since buying it, began lifting my wife's light weights (2- 5# dumbbells'), multiple sets, push ups, lunges, squats, stretches, then took two days off. I'm 6' 1" tall and weigh 185 pounds (#). I lost 25 pounds by quitting beer cold turkey after 20 years (some time off during medication trials of more than painkillers, Gaba, Lyrica, Doxepin, etc. a lot of pharmaceuticals).

I did not feel as bad as I thought I would and was convinced Buprenorphine would be the miracle drug I’ve dreamt about (knowing full well as fantasy, but one can dream). I took full advantage knowing possibly this wasn’t going to last, but rested and ate properly to avoid injury. I learned quite a bit and for the first time had no pain associated with the release of substance P. Now I understand, this is the way, just need to find a different route to achieve the goal. Get stronger without all the extra crutches. Increase the mindset and have faith the process will work it’s way out.

I ordered resistance bands and like posters so I wasn’t quite a noob when it arrived from Amazon, began exercising more, staying active doing chores; my wife even commented pleased with the progress. We were hopeful. I don’t know if weather over the that weekend affected me or not, but I was not in pain and it was enjoyable to have rain without pain. To feel happy is a good memory. I am willing to work my body harder to achieve this feeling again more frequently. Without the alcohol, life has been better. I don’t see myself going back. And, if I have a drink it’s still okay as long as I follow my beliefs in which you never mix alcohol with pharmaceuticals.

Without the THC to counter the side effects in coming days, this medication would have placed me in the ER or worse side effects like vomiting. The cramps were intense prior to taking THC to calm things down. The consequence would have been missing more work, something that is also last resort. Most days I deal with it, bad or not, and if I have to go I touch the highest priorities first then push through more until I have no other choice. I cannot use THC at work and only use it privately, responsibly. Some have said they medicate and don’t recreate. I do a little of both both more so medicate. I believe THC in your system is a good thing, but someday want to be without it. Time will tell if CRPS allows it.


I spoke to the receptionist at the office and told her after the last dose, I'm done (Thursday morning's the last one). The pain relief is secondary to the side effects. Said, I'm not here for painkillers and can wait to have that conversation November 8th. Said, I'm done and I need to know what the withdrawals will look like and for how long. Room full of people and fairly noisy so had to raise voice some. Tried to avoid eye contact with those on the way out for fear they overheard and/or had judgment which I avoid at all costs. I’m low-key.

Weird, feeling angry, straight to the point conversation. Nothing to lose but stop this madness. November 8th was going to be me explaining through a chronic pain journal (part of an agreement during 14 day trial) with charts for symptoms, pain, 1-5 gauges for activity and sleep; meals, times, etc., and I began using it as a journal for daily symptoms, the way it made me feel, and medication issues, tracking delivery systems for THC and how much by time chart, decreased symptoms, ad-libs, etc.

My point is this is where I've about had it. I'm quite ticked about this opioid crisis, or lack there of prescribing something that can be taken as needed. Dosage with any medication has always been the last resort for me since I took pain relief into my own hands away from past experiences where I followed the doctor's orders. He says he supports THC but is afraid I may get euphoria from a painkiller. The side effects from Buprenorphine are extensive with real dangers and get you high to some degree. They made me feel normal. I was taking 2mg every 12 hours. The Tylenol 3 I was cracking the pill in half to 15mg for relief and it gave me stomach pain, aches, bloating, and in the end CRPS laughed at it trying to be tough.

If it weren’t for the side effects I’d be flying as high as I felt in days 1-5 due to which resulted in not having any pain. Zero pain, was an emotional realization that since January 2, 2001 around 11pm was the last time I felt no pain. My activity levels went through the roof and I exercised hard. I pushed myself for 3 days harder than I’ve ever tried on the bike since buying it, began lifting my wife's light weights (2- 5# dumbbells'), multiple sets, push ups, lunges, squats, stretches, then took two days off. I'm 6' 1" tall and weigh 185 pounds (#). I lost 25 pounds by quitting beer cold turkey after 20 years (some time off during medication trials of more than painkillers, Gaba, Lyrica, Doxepin, etc. a lot of pharmaceuticals).

I did not feel as bad as I thought I would and was convinced Buprenorphine would be the miracle drug I’ve dreamt about (knowing full well as fantasy, but one can dream). I took full advantage knowing possibly this wasn’t going to last, but rested and ate properly to avoid injury. I learned quite a bit and for the first time had no pain associated with the release of substance P. Now I understand, this is the way, just need to find a different route to achieve the goal. Get stronger without all the extra crutches. Increase the mindset and have faith the process will work it’s way out.

I ordered resistance bands and like posters so I wasn’t quite a noob when it arrived from Amazon, began exercising more, staying active doing chores; my wife even commented pleased with the progress. We were hopeful. I don’t know if weather over the that weekend affected me or not, but I was not in pain and it was enjoyable to have rain without pain. To feel happy is a good memory. I am willing to work my body harder to achieve this feeling again more frequently. Without the alcohol, life has been better. I don’t see myself going back. And, if I have a drink it’s still okay as long as I follow my beliefs in which you never mix alcohol with pharmaceuticals.

Without the THC to counter the side effects in coming days, this medication would have placed me in the ER or worse side effects like vomiting. The cramps were intense prior to taking THC to calm things down. The consequence would have been missing more work, something that is also last resort. Most days I deal with it, bad or not, and if I have to go I touch the highest priorities first then push through more until I have no other choice. I cannot use THC at work and only use it privately, responsibly. Some have said they medicate and don’t recreate. I do a little of both both more so medicate. I believe THC in your system is a good thing, but someday want to be without it. Time will tell if CRPS allows it.

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THC helped the nausea, dizziness, loss of appetite, and all around wellness for me. The loss of appetite as described as the munchies wasn’t what I meant though. Because the nausea was decreased to just aches and cramps, I regained my appetite and forced myself to eat protein (I love my smoker). For those curious: GMG Lumberjack Logs without cilantro, used shredded cheese, no cayenne pepper, and Kinder Mild BBQ sauce My one true passion, smoking meat. Anyways...

Be nice not to be using THC at all because in the real world where you may want to work for the Federal Government. That is not a reality for me until I can walk away from all THC without pain and/or side effects. I’m willing to some degree deal with a certain level of pain without THC but not at this level. If I could get back to feeling like when I was at Boeing I’d quit using it.
I voluntarily gave up my CDL this past September. Had it since November 2000 and was based on THC usage and being an old chapter in the book to youth. Maybe it’ll never become a reality but it’d be nice to have a painkiller that works sufficiently for the time I need it than use THC at all.

This is where my researching tends to get me into trouble because I know more than the average bear. In low doses 2.5mg Percocet/Oxycodone, even though being 1.5x stronger than morphine and not blocking the receptors like Buprenorphine, which may or may not cause euphoria, it is the better choice and arguably safer than Buprenorphine in the lower doses and sporadic use it is intended for. I think matching the Tylenol 3 quantity is fair (#20) and using the model in how I used it previously it should be sufficient with regards to 2.5mg Oxycodone.

Maybe I get less quantity, I don’t care, just trust that I’m an adult who wants to have some quality of life and the ability to exercise slowly back to feeling healthy. Who knows, maybe I won’t need them some time in the future. And, the goal of sober becomes a reality. That would be something else 🙂

Now, following the regiment of only being an as needed, last resort type of pain reliever in the smallest known dose of oxycodone and treating it as a tool only, does it matter what the drug does to you if you are laying in bed watching your quality of life go to shit at 43 years old? Is it wrong to help someone who’s personal and professional life is severely altered anyways and understands the importance to fight through, exercise the way back to strengthening and pushing past the pain, but needing a helping hand when things go wild? The seasons, weather, humidity, temperature drops didn’t go away and CRPS is still here. Nothing has changed but for what hell is coming getting off this Buprenorphine.

* Now as others have said, life changer medication. Helped them wonderfully and they swear by it. This is my story and only one-sided. You have to do what is right for you. Do take advantage of other options. Keep a pain journal, it’s a great tool in remembering the past as it was, not what was remembered. I do believe in transparency and having both sides to the story. Sorry for the length, “very detailed” is a strength of mine.


That is exactly where I am going next if I can get a referral there. I have some neck issues and have been taking Gabapentin at night for it. It doesn't do anything for my neck but it does help me sleep better I think. I found a pain clinic that prescribes Buprenorphine. Maybe I will be able to keep some meds on hand for a really bad time. I don't expect to take them on a daily basis. Even though my neck problems are annoying and getting worse I can live with them without meds so far.

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Unfortunately they are both CNS depressants and should not be used together due to life threatening interaction.


Good luck Chuck and hope you find some relief.

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