Stopping Evenity Early

Posted by melanie1 @melanie1, Sep 17, 2022

I decided to stop Evenity after seven treatments because I seemed to develop increased symptoms of osteoarthritis in knees and hands while on it, in addition to generalized stiffness and joint pain. Has anyone experienced this or stopped Evenity for other reasons before completing 12 treatments?

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My dexa score read FRANK stage. Which means, danger. Very scared but what can I do besides be careful and try not to fall.

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I think that may be FRAX score.

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I think that may be FRAX score.

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See report


My dexa score read FRANK stage. Which means, danger. Very scared but what can I do besides be careful and try not to fall.

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sbcher, Thanks for explaining. That does make it sound scary. I can empathize with your reaction to the results.

You made me really curious to know what qualifies as "FRANK stage."

I was on a mission to find the answer. After struggling to find a clear explanation online, I turned to ChatGPT for some insights. Surprising me, the AI described "frank" in medical terms as indicating that a condition or finding is unmistakable, obvious, or clearly visible on examination or diagnostic tests. Essentially, it's like when we use the phrase "To be quite frank," meaning straightforward and clear.
I had a little chuckle because I initially thought it was a technical stage or measurement. The term "frank" simply reflects how clearly our osteoporosis shows on our DEXA results, rather than indicating a stage or severity on its own.
Reflecting on my own experience, even though it wasn’t described using the word, my DEXA results also showed "frank" osteoporosis. I distinctly remember the radiology tech's reaction while doing my first DEXA scan—her expression said it all, even though she couldn't say anything.
So, your explanation wasn't off the mark. In the context of DEXA results, "frank" does signify the seriousness of the condition.
Thanks again! 🙂


Did your Dr do any testing about your bone loss? My Dr had me do a 24 hr urine test which showed high levels of calcium and cortisol. I've read that high cortisol interferes with bone building and pulls calcium from bones. I'm waiting to hear from my Dr about what to do next.

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I had high calcium in my blood. It turns out it is a symptom of a parathyroid problem. I had one of four removed in Tampa by Dr Norman a specialist in this area.


I had high calcium in my blood. It turns out it is a symptom of a parathyroid problem. I had one of four removed in Tampa by Dr Norman a specialist in this area.

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I had parathyroid surgery but no bad glands were found so I know that's not the reason. Thank you for the info though.

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