stop the madness

Posted by jeaniebean @jeaniebean, Nov 22, 2020

I just stopped taking my AIs. I just cannot take it anymore. In 3 days I can walk again, I have clear brain thinking, my fingers dont ache, my bones dont ache, and I am not afraid anymore......

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Breast Cancer Support Group.


Thank you. You might want to read or watch interviews with Jane McLelland. Also Radical Remission. A good source of information is the Ralph Moss report, website and YouTube channel

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Thank you! I look forward to checking that out.


Hi! @krisrwaters:

I really admire your courage and strength, for if I read it correctly: you just had lumpectomy on Tuesday! My thoughts and prayers are with you on the journey ahead. In fact, all our comrades are alongside you, you'll never be alone!

How to negotiate with the oncologists? In my own experience - even though I only started on this journey 4 months ago, I tried to read/research as much as I can and I truly learnt a lot from the experienced comrades from the discussions of this forum; asked my oncologissts to provide me with the bottom-line pros & cons of each treatment and thus made my own informed-decision based on those. Would the pain get better? I frankly don't know; but I've prepared to strive on to face all the challenges ahead to conquer the disease of cancer, and I am sure you will come out of this tunel of darkness healthier, happier with more joy and contentment, my friend!

Prayers and best wishes to you all!

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Thank you for your prayers, good wishes and information, life traveler! I especially appreciated your comment about coming thru this journey healthier, happier and with more joy and contentment. Wishing you all the best.

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