still learning about CRPS

Posted by softballslide @softballslide, Jan 22 3:56pm

Hi Everyone,

I fractured my ankle about 5 months ago playing softball. It was a simple weber B fibula fracture that didn't even require surgery. After 12 months of no healing, I sought a 2nd opinion. My new doctor diagnosed me with CRPS and got me started with a bone stimulator to try to heal the fracture.

At this point I have almost no pain (still a little pain from time to time but hard to differentiate from the nonunion pain and the CRPS) but still have significant swelling, discoloration, and temperature effects (but this seems to have migrate towards my foot and away from the ankle). Additionally, when I elevate my foot the color becomes completely normal after ~1 min except for the tips of my three smallest toes. In the mornings, there is almost no swelling at all and my foot almost looks normal. Does this seem normal/like progress? And is it normal for CRPS to affect fracture healing?

At this point, all I want to do is walk and play with my son again.

Thank you and I hope you all are pain free soon,
softball slide

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