Steps if exposed to Covid

Posted by wsbme74 @wsbme74, Oct 7, 2023

Hi. I have broncheictasis (newly-diagnosed) and asthma. I haven't had the Fall Covid booster, yet, as was on a prednisone taper and it's generally contraindicated for vaccines.

I just got a call that a respiratory therapist (how ironic!) I worked with 2 days ago has Covid. We were in very close quarters. I had on a KN95 mask and she had on a surgical (well-fitted, but still just a surgical). I tested negative this morning on a binax and will keep testing.

Just wondering if anyone has ideas for extra steps to build my resistance/try to fight this exposure? I had Covid for the first time in March and it was tough (it's what led to the broncheictasis diagnosis). Thanks!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the MAC & Bronchiectasis Support Group.

Hope you don’t get Covid despite the exposure. One mistake I made before testing for Covid was rinsing my nose in the morning of the day when I took the Covid test. Then it was negative. When I tested first thing in the morning before rinsing my nose, it was positive!


Thank you for the tip! When one of my children had it, it took 3 days of (symptomatic) testing before she tested positive - such shifting sands!

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