Starting Gabapention

Posted by da69 @da69, Jun 8, 2023

Just got back from Mayo for my worsening depression and anxiety which i never had before getting covid.
As well as terrible sore muscles after any activity.
I was told i was a poor metabolizer of cyp2d6 which the way i understand is my liver does not metabolize certain meds correctly and i have been on the wrong types of meds for the last couple yrs and one med that may of caused a irreversible tremor in my hand.
(I will not mention the med so not to scare anyone as we all react differently to meds).
So my med choices are limited.
Based on observing me they suggested a neuro exam to rule out parkinsons which i have to schedule back home
So i am left with waiting to see if tremor goes away or is permanent after stopping my other meds and if it does not go away then i see a neuroligist.
In the meantime i have started Gabapention for anxiety and muscle pain and Pristique for the depression and anxiety as well.
Gabapention 100 mg 3 times a day and Prestique 25mg then 50 with the goal of 100mg daily.
I am only on day 3 of both meds so i know Prestique is not affecting me yet but the Gabapention sure is....I feel super tired and loopy.
I know my body has to adjust but was wondering how long this may take from actual users of it?
i have read 1 to 2 weeks and possible 3 to 4 weeks for full benefit.
I am ready to suck it up and see it through just wondering how long i am gonna have this loopy tired feeling?
Any insight from past or current users of Gabapention would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you

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I was on gabapentin for over 18 months - 200mg x 3 times daily - to treat (mask) my pain from sciatica and spinal stenosis. When nothing helped with the pain, had to have surgery and spinal fusion L3 to L5 in February 2022. The pain level is between 0 and 1 and I do not take any pain medication now.
Before the surgery, the gabapentin left me in a semi-daze all day but helped with the pain. Here is an excerpt from Google:
"Gabapentin is in a class of medications called anticonvulsants. Gabapentin treats seizures by decreasing abnormal excitement in the brain. Gabapentin relieves the pain of PHN by changing the way the body senses pain."
Six months after the surgery and improvement in my pain level, I started to wean myself off the medication. However, it disturbed my sleep pattern, I was restless at night. The dosage was decreased in steps. 200mg x 2 times daily for the first week, followed by 200mg x once daily the second week, and finally 100mg (1/2 Tablet-200mg) x 2 times daily, and the last week - 100mg once daily.
I feel better without Gabapentin. It is recommended for pain because it is not addictive like pain killers oxycontin and oxycodone.

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