Staph carrier, feeling sick, boils

Posted by pianist3 @pianist3, 2 days ago

Hi, everyone!

I have been dealing with being a staph carrier for a while now (4+ years) and I just found a boil again where the sun doesn’t shine. I think it might have accidentally popped, anyway, I used an alcohol wipe, then put some mupiricin on it and dabbed it with coconut oil/tea tree oil…and sprayed some probiotic spray. I think I’ll do a Hibiclens treatment today too. I didn’t realize a had this boil until last night, I get small ones on my upper legs and bottom 🙁 . Anyway, I’ve also been feeling flu like and I think the staph is hurting my immune system. I’m hoping that extra Vit C, OJ, chicken soup, spinach omelette, salmon all help today. I need to boost my immune system. In the past, I’ve taken antibiotics at times and then these infections come back worse. 🙁

Anyone out there treat their recurrent staph naturally? I also use mupiricin in my nose, and try and boost my immunity with oregano oil, and manuka honey. It’s a tough battle!! Thanks everyone!! Stay well.

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