Squamous cell carcinoma on my face

Posted by ghiggins @ghiggins, Apr 25 10:44am

Has anyone gone through surgery, biopsies with this type of cancer? I’ve noticed it and had it biopsied within about 2 months. Im a bit scared/curious/confused.

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Fair skin and sunlight make us susceptible.
Most patients benefit from Mohs micrographic surgery.
Done in office with local anesthesia. Has a high cure rate and can spare the amount of skin area removed.
In the hands of an experienced fellowship trained doctor the results can be cosmetically fine.
Prevention is treatment of actinic precancers at intervals and sun protection daily. Ask your physician about oral niacinamide and topical therapies going forward. I had a quarter sized full thickness defect after surgery on my forehead. A year later it is hard to see the scar. Experience of the operator in closure is important.


I had MOHS surgery on my nose in Feb due to squamous cell..it is healing slowly..but several weeks ago had RSV and surgical site had a large reddened area..like a marble...thought it might be a viral rash that attached to healing surgical site? Did not want to go to ER with RSV as I was too sick and would have infected everyone there. Not sure if any creams,topical ointments beside Vaseline would help. Suggestions?


I had MOHS surgery on my nose in Feb due to squamous cell..it is healing slowly..but several weeks ago had RSV and surgical site had a large reddened area..like a marble...thought it might be a viral rash that attached to healing surgical site? Did not want to go to ER with RSV as I was too sick and would have infected everyone there. Not sure if any creams,topical ointments beside Vaseline would help. Suggestions?

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Please go back to your dermatologist. I had two Mohs surgeries on my nose and never saw anything like this.
Best wishes, Eileen


I had previous basal cell MOHS on my face 4 times five years ago and recently a small wart like looking spot popped up on my hand. I had it biopsied and it was squamous cell and I had MOHS five weeks ago. It seemed to grow quickly once it appeared and spread over the back of my hand, did not go deep fortunately. I had six “cuts” over about 4 hours. No stitches and I had a rather large hole. I was concerned I would always have an indention there but 5 weeks post op it is all filled in. It bumps up a bit and they say it is scar tissue. I go back in another month and if still an overgrowth, they will inject it with something to help the appearance. I’m glad I acted quickly or it would have spread even further.


First your concern about skin cancer and treatments is normal and shared by all of us and we had the same questions.

Have your surgeon and or dermatologist explain all the different treatments and surgies with pros and cons. Make the decision yourself that sounds what is best for you.

I have chose MOHS for all of mine. And I do mean all of mine. I have had about 6-7 surgeries all MOHS for both Basal Cell and Squamonous (spell). Some like my nose take longer to heal but you would never know I had surgery there.

You won't feel anything after the numbing injection is done. If you have MOHS the surgeon will take only enough skin to have a free area with no cancer cells. To do this they remove what they thing from biopsies the amount to take and then send to pathology. Pathologist determines if there area any cancer cells left in the surrounding tissues taken. If not you are done and if yes surgeon does another surgical cut and process goes on until you are cancer free in biopsied area.

I chose this because you do not leave until there is no sign of cancer left and no returning for more treatments unless you have problems.
Good luck!!


Fair skin and sunlight make us susceptible.
Most patients benefit from Mohs micrographic surgery.
Done in office with local anesthesia. Has a high cure rate and can spare the amount of skin area removed.
In the hands of an experienced fellowship trained doctor the results can be cosmetically fine.
Prevention is treatment of actinic precancers at intervals and sun protection daily. Ask your physician about oral niacinamide and topical therapies going forward. I had a quarter sized full thickness defect after surgery on my forehead. A year later it is hard to see the scar. Experience of the operator in closure is important.

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I'm now healing from a large Moh,s surgery on my upper lip. It is at least 1 inch long & is from the bottom of my nostril to the inside of my lip. The one side of my upper lip appears to have disappeared into my mouth. It is hard to smile, both physically and literally.
I also have 2 separate scars on my nose which are quite visible, they were done several years ago. There are two more on my lower leg, but those are of course, are not so visible.
My surgeon is quite experienced, and is "fellow shipped trained".
Sometimes scars are unavoidable.


First your concern about skin cancer and treatments is normal and shared by all of us and we had the same questions.

Have your surgeon and or dermatologist explain all the different treatments and surgies with pros and cons. Make the decision yourself that sounds what is best for you.

I have chose MOHS for all of mine. And I do mean all of mine. I have had about 6-7 surgeries all MOHS for both Basal Cell and Squamonous (spell). Some like my nose take longer to heal but you would never know I had surgery there.

You won't feel anything after the numbing injection is done. If you have MOHS the surgeon will take only enough skin to have a free area with no cancer cells. To do this they remove what they thing from biopsies the amount to take and then send to pathology. Pathologist determines if there area any cancer cells left in the surrounding tissues taken. If not you are done and if yes surgeon does another surgical cut and process goes on until you are cancer free in biopsied area.

I chose this because you do not leave until there is no sign of cancer left and no returning for more treatments unless you have problems.
Good luck!!

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Thank you so much for your advised and shared experience.


Thank you so much for your advised and shared experience.

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@ghiggins You are welcomed. It is why MCC and members are here.


Hi G, I had a spot on my chin and asked to have a biopsy. It grew quickly and was shiny and scales. Diagnosed Aggressive squamous cell. Had Mohrs surgery and closure by plastic surgeon. Using Siligel twice a day and messaging, you can hardly see the scar. In 6 months I have had Basil cell, Squamous cell and melanoma removed.


I have no idea if it’s Aggressive or not. Was the plastic surgery done at the same time as the removal of the cancer?

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