Spots on foot

Posted by jacksparrow @jacksparrow, Jun 3, 2017

I have been uaving these spots on my foot and i do not want to go to the doctor just yet. Anyone know what these are?

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@jacksparrow Welcome to Mayo Connect and thank you for posting this question to our Members. It is not easy to see the spots that you have sent, so it might be helpful if you described them in words. If you are comfortable sharing more about this problem, it might help us understand it better and respond to you, For example, when did these spots begin, are there other symptoms related to the spots (like soreness, bleeding, etc.) are there other health problems that you are being treated for, are there meds that you take that might be affecting your feet? We look forward to hearing from you. Teresa


@jacksparrow Welcome to Mayo Connect and thank you for posting this question to our Members. It is not easy to see the spots that you have sent, so it might be helpful if you described them in words. If you are comfortable sharing more about this problem, it might help us understand it better and respond to you, For example, when did these spots begin, are there other symptoms related to the spots (like soreness, bleeding, etc.) are there other health problems that you are being treated for, are there meds that you take that might be affecting your feet? We look forward to hearing from you. Teresa

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They hurt when i walk on them. The big one is like a small crater on my foot, it is curved around the edges. You can see black stuff inside of it but the rest are just dots that hurt


@jacksparrow Thanks for the additional information. Perhaps one of our members might have experienced something similar and respond to your question. However, Mayo Connect cannot offer medical diagnosis nor suggest treatments. We are not medical professionals, just patients ourselves. Since this sounds like a very troublesome problem for you and undoubtedly causes you discomfort, I urge you to visit a doctor who can accurately diagnose and treat the problem. Mayo Connect can be here to support and encourage you, so please continue to post your concerns. Teresa


Hello @jacksparrow, I also would like to add my welcome to Teresa's.

If I may take of my moderator cap and put on my fellow patient cap, this looks like something I had when I was a teenager in high school. I am not giving medical advice, but in my own experience I had something that looked very similar to this on one of my fingers and it turned out to be a wart. It also bumped out of my finger in a crater shape and had black dots in the middle. It was extremely painful and I needed to get it frozen off in a doctors office.

This may be something different so it would be best to get it looked at by a medical provider in dermatology if possible.


@jacksparrow as @JustinMcClanahan commented, it looks like warts to me. I had them a long time ago and it was very painful to walk in any shoe. The only comfortable footwear was my ski boots! I had them burned off, a very easy process with immediate relief.

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