Splenic flexure syndrome *OR* maybe this other GI problem??

Posted by musicbart @musicbart, Apr 26, 2022

If any of you has been correctly diagnosed with splenic flexure syndrome and had proper treatment for it, kindly tell me and others here. This is a **very** physically painful problem in upper LEFT ab just slightly below the lowest LEFT SIDE rib. I suffer this evil, horrendous physical pain now and then though I'm awaiting proper diagnosis. In this medical problem, trapped gas builds up in the splenic flexure which is only a location, the area where the transverse colon (which more or less runs "horizontally" in the upper ab from right side of body to left side running below the lowest bilateral rib and the diaphragm) joins the descending colon which is on the left side of the body. You can see the arrangement here: https://bit.ly/3MrZaro

Just before my former MD retired, all he told me to do about this is "chew up more simethicone tablets". He never told me what I suffer from physically.

I'd read that splenic flexure syndrome can be the result of ab surgery which I had 8 yrs ago. [It was done apparently unsupervised by a brand new, novice, 30 year old MD I never met. He overinflated me via a tube stuck into my belly button where he didn't know I'd been brutally stabbed -- in my belly button -- in a planned, premeditated crime against me. The bad outcome of the apparent overinflation (done for bilateral groin hernia repairs with the repairs done laparoscopically) was ugly, permanent diastasis recti which is impossible to fix.

The other possibility for my just-below-lowest-LEFT-SIDE-rib is an explanation found in a short YouTube video by DC Eric Berg who says that eating too many carbs, too much nut butter, too many nuts, too many grains lead to a depleted gall bladder (i. e. little or no stored bile) which then causes physical pain in the pancreas. I do eat all those foods (excluding alcohol which I don't consume) that Berg mentions in his almost 6 minutes long video found here: https://youtu.be/AK5qHLpq408 Berg says to buy purified bile salts to help end this pancreas problem but I've not done that (yet).

My painful 'under-that-LEFT-rib' medical problem comes and goes. It can be absent for 3 or 4 days and then returns for some reason. I don't know if my brand-new-surgeon-screwed up intestines is causing gas to be trapped, to slowly build up 'til the splenic flexure area is highly tender to touch and painfully inflated with gas. I wonder if the answer might just be drinking more water and buying some fiber product. I've greatly cut back on eating oatmeal (the main grain I devour) and stopped eating almond butter and too many nuts.

Any of you know about splenic flexure syndrome? Have you had this painful medical problem end in your life?

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Hey @musicbart, I know that @kidprodigy was having these same issues. Other members who previously have mentioned similar symptoms @mkgdesigner, @monicaeve, @saucy, @debkl, and @davej

It sounds very painful and uncomfortable, Have you tried modifying your diet whether gluten free or a FODMAP diet?


I just barely, this past week, figured out that is probably what I have, on top of a probable celiac/wheat/gluten allergy, I have suffered for a year, after a surgery, what, four CT scans, three endoscopes, lost thirty lbs in thirty days last year, symptoms that appear to be pinched vagus nerve, palpable lump that the surgeon saw, looked at, palpated, and did nothing, said nothing...about a total of 15 ER/ED visits, gastric empty test, ultrasound, constipation, fecal impaction times two, diarhea, life has been hell in a handbasket, but since cutting wheat out, the past couple months, never laid up totally, gas X/simethicone, glycol, metmucil, etc. life is better by far, but still gas bloating constricted, etc.


I just barely, this past week, figured out that is probably what I have, on top of a probable celiac/wheat/gluten allergy, I have suffered for a year, after a surgery, what, four CT scans, three endoscopes, lost thirty lbs in thirty days last year, symptoms that appear to be pinched vagus nerve, palpable lump that the surgeon saw, looked at, palpated, and did nothing, said nothing...about a total of 15 ER/ED visits, gastric empty test, ultrasound, constipation, fecal impaction times two, diarhea, life has been hell in a handbasket, but since cutting wheat out, the past couple months, never laid up totally, gas X/simethicone, glycol, metmucil, etc. life is better by far, but still gas bloating constricted, etc.

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and, don't forget Linzess, two docs prescribed, different dosage, but have to cut the lower one in half...also, diverticulosis, that they know, but the missing link in the upper left side is that SFSyndrome, I"m sure of it, matches up with everything, vagus nerve pinch, palpable lump, gas, bloating, motility, obstruction, alternate warhead constipation, fits like a glove, kidskin glove


also, probiotics,
and dang it, low fodmap diet, which means small amounts of chocolate, maybe only one cup of coffee, etc. keeping a food journal, phewie phewt stinky feet! lol ;o)
but/and, the good news is that I figured out the problem, after a year, and don't need to go to the mayo clinic in AZ, to find out what was in front of the doctors nose, all along...


@ dragonfly123, @musicbart. and all...I was diagnosed, sort of, with an abdominal CT last year with a splenic artery aneurysm. I saw the surgeon and was told this is so small, that it may not grow or may and if it does, we'll take care of it. Usually, it's so rare it's rarely found. Then, so small, rarely require intervention.

I have frequent pain in that left abdominal area and a lot of gas problems. IBD, etc. Dealt with constant diarrhea and then last few years both diarrhea and constipation. Gastro couldn't give me the help I needed for this issue, so I met with an Integrated Medicine Doctor who pointed me to Progulin, Colon Support Probiotic. I buy it online and it has solved the IBD issue. And, after being diagnosed with another UTI, I took an entire 2 weeks of oral antibiotics successfully. First time in years. When I had diarrhea, I took 2 Lomotil and controlled it. I then, after ckg with the doc, took 2 probiotics daily, 1 in a.m., and 1 p.m. I also limited my food intake, drinking Atkins smoothies and Propel water with electrolytes, and occasionally some light food...fresh blueberries and yogurt, chopped peaches, and broth. A lite meal every few days. Obviously, I was fairly quiet and rested as I was sick and UTIs for me become serious quickly. But, this time I beat it...I'm singing my praises.

Guess what????? I got through the entire antibiotic prescription and had no problems. First time in several years. I've been hospitalized with antibiotic problems and had sepsis. A real struggle, but found this answer. I just thought it through myself and ck'd to be sure it wouldn't harm, did it, and yeah!

I now also take a GasX several times daily, as needed. It's made a huge difference in the left side pain from the spleen area. Not any more pain from there and the gas is well controlled. I'm now a very happy camper in this area.

Hopefully, some of this may help you or others. I find Connect often helps find answers and solutions, directs me to healthier thinking. We have others who've been or are there.
Be well. Be blessed. Elizabeth


me oh my, celiacs, IBS and bears oh my, haunted forest?
finally have a diagnosis, to be confirmed, but it's stuck for two weeks, splenic flexure syndrome, explains everything, palpable lump that the surgeon palpated, saw, observed, said nothing, vagus nerve pinching symptoms that the surgeon, and others denied, palpable lump poking out of my tummy, visible, jokingly said, "look doc, facehugger" doctors totally ignored it, what four CTs, three endos, two barium swallows, one gastric empty, one ultrasound, samples, blood tests, workups, an EXPERT GI guy in el paso texas three hour drive, a dozen emergency room visits, plus worse things..., for a year, and a referral to mayo clinic in AZ, that is'nt contracted with humana, so..I finally figure it out, and it all fits, damn fucking idiot surgeons and GI docs?


@ dragonfly123, @musicbart. and all...I was diagnosed, sort of, with an abdominal CT last year with a splenic artery aneurysm. I saw the surgeon and was told this is so small, that it may not grow or may and if it does, we'll take care of it. Usually, it's so rare it's rarely found. Then, so small, rarely require intervention.

I have frequent pain in that left abdominal area and a lot of gas problems. IBD, etc. Dealt with constant diarrhea and then last few years both diarrhea and constipation. Gastro couldn't give me the help I needed for this issue, so I met with an Integrated Medicine Doctor who pointed me to Progulin, Colon Support Probiotic. I buy it online and it has solved the IBD issue. And, after being diagnosed with another UTI, I took an entire 2 weeks of oral antibiotics successfully. First time in years. When I had diarrhea, I took 2 Lomotil and controlled it. I then, after ckg with the doc, took 2 probiotics daily, 1 in a.m., and 1 p.m. I also limited my food intake, drinking Atkins smoothies and Propel water with electrolytes, and occasionally some light food...fresh blueberries and yogurt, chopped peaches, and broth. A lite meal every few days. Obviously, I was fairly quiet and rested as I was sick and UTIs for me become serious quickly. But, this time I beat it...I'm singing my praises.

Guess what????? I got through the entire antibiotic prescription and had no problems. First time in several years. I've been hospitalized with antibiotic problems and had sepsis. A real struggle, but found this answer. I just thought it through myself and ck'd to be sure it wouldn't harm, did it, and yeah!

I now also take a GasX several times daily, as needed. It's made a huge difference in the left side pain from the spleen area. Not any more pain from there and the gas is well controlled. I'm now a very happy camper in this area.

Hopefully, some of this may help you or others. I find Connect often helps find answers and solutions, directs me to healthier thinking. We have others who've been or are there.
Be well. Be blessed. Elizabeth

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bless you, yes, gas X, but the surgeon a year ago, said gas X and glycol, stay the course, but he missed what he saw and what he observed and what he reached out and palpated, and totally ignored the signs/symptoms, etc. but now, thanks to you and others, I'm on the right path!
it was my local new/old pcp internal med guy, kinda mumbled, "probiotics" and "when's the last time you had a colonscopy?" that got me to buy the probiotics and remembered what I read last year about that, being on amoxillin for a dental root canal, makes more sense now...so, tomorrow I see the surgeon ,maybe a barium enema, maybe a colonscopy, all last year , I kept saying "docs" the blockage obstruction is further down the pike, stop looking at the hiatal hernia nissen fundo, that's not where the problem is...nobody listens, at least MDs.


@ dragonfly123, @musicbart. and all...I was diagnosed, sort of, with an abdominal CT last year with a splenic artery aneurysm. I saw the surgeon and was told this is so small, that it may not grow or may and if it does, we'll take care of it. Usually, it's so rare it's rarely found. Then, so small, rarely require intervention.

I have frequent pain in that left abdominal area and a lot of gas problems. IBD, etc. Dealt with constant diarrhea and then last few years both diarrhea and constipation. Gastro couldn't give me the help I needed for this issue, so I met with an Integrated Medicine Doctor who pointed me to Progulin, Colon Support Probiotic. I buy it online and it has solved the IBD issue. And, after being diagnosed with another UTI, I took an entire 2 weeks of oral antibiotics successfully. First time in years. When I had diarrhea, I took 2 Lomotil and controlled it. I then, after ckg with the doc, took 2 probiotics daily, 1 in a.m., and 1 p.m. I also limited my food intake, drinking Atkins smoothies and Propel water with electrolytes, and occasionally some light food...fresh blueberries and yogurt, chopped peaches, and broth. A lite meal every few days. Obviously, I was fairly quiet and rested as I was sick and UTIs for me become serious quickly. But, this time I beat it...I'm singing my praises.

Guess what????? I got through the entire antibiotic prescription and had no problems. First time in several years. I've been hospitalized with antibiotic problems and had sepsis. A real struggle, but found this answer. I just thought it through myself and ck'd to be sure it wouldn't harm, did it, and yeah!

I now also take a GasX several times daily, as needed. It's made a huge difference in the left side pain from the spleen area. Not any more pain from there and the gas is well controlled. I'm now a very happy camper in this area.

Hopefully, some of this may help you or others. I find Connect often helps find answers and solutions, directs me to healthier thinking. We have others who've been or are there.
Be well. Be blessed. Elizabeth

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I found your story very helpful, thank you; and I found it very coincidental because I was diagnosed with a splenic artery aneurysm as well. So now we clearly know there’s a link to that. All of my specialists deny that the left sided pain that I have has anything to do with any conditions I have or anything they find. Obviously, my biggest concern is that the splenic artery will rupture and I will bleed to death so if we’re ignoring pain, how do I know where it’s coming from if all of the doctors deny it’s from any known issues. Thank you for sharing. I will continue to search and pray.


I found your story very helpful, thank you; and I found it very coincidental because I was diagnosed with a splenic artery aneurysm as well. So now we clearly know there’s a link to that. All of my specialists deny that the left sided pain that I have has anything to do with any conditions I have or anything they find. Obviously, my biggest concern is that the splenic artery will rupture and I will bleed to death so if we’re ignoring pain, how do I know where it’s coming from if all of the doctors deny it’s from any known issues. Thank you for sharing. I will continue to search and pray.

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@lookingforanswers, and all...Since I began taking the Probulin and GundryMD biome supplements, I have had far fewer gas issues. I also have no more constipation or diarrhea, at this time. I never show expectations as things change in this area so easily and quickly. But, for now, things are pretty good. I also have less left-sided pain, still some, but less. And, fewer 'knots' felt in my abdomen. So, think I'm heading in the right direction.

I am having anemic symptoms, again. My ferritin level stays pretty low and I've had 2 iron infusions after low ferritin tests last year and the year before. I'm now running low, my gums are white which is wild since after taking Dilantin for many years as a youngster I've had gums that easily bled and were always red. So, add nail issues and weakness, etc., and I'm having anemia and don't know why. I think it's the lack of absorption by the intestines, but don't know why. It's concerning.

I'm having bloodwork this week for my PCP and hope to find answers. He may refer me to a specialist at Mayo, in fact, I hope so. I'm worried we haven't found the cause and don't like this...regular infusions are ok with me, just find the cause for the low ferritin and I'm ok. Don't know if the splenic aneurysm is the culprit, but think it's likely a hereditary issue. We'll see...
Be well and be blessed! elizabeth


I'm sorry to hear about your distress and suffering. I myself get bloated and with trapped Air Pockets. Most times all the way to the top in the stomach area and across to descending colon. Extremely uncomfortable and painful spasms in the descended colon. They thought I had blockage but, I told them it's Air. It was clearly seen on the x-ray. This coming week I am going for a CT scan with contrast. The first hour I get nauseous. Then, I don't eat because I am bloated. I am hungry but I am scared to eat. Hope you feel better soon!!!!

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