sore teeth

Posted by katiegroh @katiegroh, Mar 11 8:32am

I received my first Evenity shot 2 weeks ago & started experiencing tooth pain - is this a normal response to the shots?

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Welcome to Connect, @katiegroh. Can you tell me a little more about your tooth pain? Is the ache constant or is it more prominent after eating? Sharp or dull? Does this involve only one tooth or a more generalized area of discomfort? Any teeth sensitive to hot and cold or chewing? And, last one… is this is your upper or lower jaw?


It's primarily on the upper left - not a specific tooth - more from the molar towards the front but not the front tooth area - not specifically sensitive to hot or cold just a gnawing discomfort so far. at first I though it was a particular tooth but this morning it's also on the lower jawline in the back tooth area. I don't know if this a normal response to the first shot or not - just a query - I found nothing in the information packet & it was only my first infusion. seems to have subsided but I took a Tylenol so that helped


It's primarily on the upper left - not a specific tooth - more from the molar towards the front but not the front tooth area - not specifically sensitive to hot or cold just a gnawing discomfort so far. at first I though it was a particular tooth but this morning it's also on the lower jawline in the back tooth area. I don't know if this a normal response to the first shot or not - just a query - I found nothing in the information packet & it was only my first infusion. seems to have subsided but I took a Tylenol so that helped

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While you’re waiting for other members who have taken Evenity to respond, I can give my 2 cents worth as a 30+ year certified dental assistant. Minor joint or bone pain is listed as a possible effect of Evenity. But what you’re describing doesn’t sound like the type of pain associated with the warnings printed on the box for osteonecrosis. That is very rare and associated with surgical procedures or infections.

It’s encouraging that the Tylenol took the pain away. There can be any number of reasons for the symptoms you’re describing from sleeping in an odd position with your jaw clenched, sinus pressure, a fracture developing in a molar, etc.. This may just go away on its own. But certainly if the pain continues more than a few days or gets worse, then give your dentist a call. They can take an xray of the area to rule out any tooth or bone issue.

I found a good article for you on Evenity and the possible side effects.

If you haven’t already, you might want to check in this discussion with other members about their experince with Evenity.

This discussion was started by @arlene7

I hope you’ll let me know how you’re doing. Fingers cross this subsides on its own. 😉

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