Small Renal Lesion - Very Nervous

Posted by am1974 @am1974, Feb 15 8:56am

49M. Had abdominal issues (likely unrelated) in October 2023. Abdominal/Pelvic CT w&w/o contrast showed 11mm (1.1cm) indeterminate renal lesion on right kidney. Follow up with Renal Ultrasound in December 2023 revealed no renal lesion (though US report stated it was limited study due to bowel gas). Going for MRI tomorrow. When I went to urologist (who ordered the MRI), he said in looking at the CT, it’s a flip of a coin as to what it could be. He was pretty clear in telling me he could not tell what it is. However, later on, when I reviewed his visit note where he orders the MRI, it states “highly concerning for RCC” though also in his visit note states complex hemorrhagic cyst vs. RCC. When I called him about it, he advised he needed to use that wording to get the MRI approved. I have been paralyzed with fear and anxiety since reading that visit note. I understand most if not all that are here have gone through this or worse but I’m just seeking anyone’s thoughts, advice, comments, or anything that may benefit me. I also have made the mistake of Googling every possible thing on kidney cancer imaginable and that certainly has not helped. I really appreciate any responses. God bless you all.

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I understand how overwhelming this can feel. Reading that had to be hard. I'm proud of you for calling and asking him about it. That took courage. It is very possible that it is just a a bruise almost . It is great that your doctor talked to you when you called and is investigating it further and not just waiting and watching.
I found that writing down all my questions helped me to be calmer and it also made sure I didn't forget anything when I went in .
You reactions are normal for this kind of situation... hearing and wondering about this is tough. Keep yourself active, find someone you can talk to about your fears if it gets too much, a close supportive friend, a faith leader, a Chaplain from the hospital or a therapist . Just talking thru it can be helpful. I'd stop researching online for kidney problems and maybe shift to researching deep breathing exercises to help calm things, meditation skills or how to build up your immune system etc. Do things you enjoy to distract you and keep you grounded.
You've got this! Prayers for you!!


lbrockme, thank you so much for responding. You have no idea how much it means to me to hear from others who may have faced similar situations. I hope you are well.


@am1974 Relax, deep breaths. I agree that it is concerning, and nerve-wracking! You feel like you are stuck between believing what your doctor told you, and reading all the not-so-good things your internet research dug up, right?

I have had renal lesions before. The last one on my right kidney, was followed for over a year with periodic ultrasounds and clinical exams. My urologist had flippantly told me, "well, when you start dialysis, we'll just go in and take that kidney out"! After a year+ he determined that it was of no concern for RCC because the images were not showing it to be classical RCC in its presentation.

Please let us know what the MRI results are. And remember, there may be different radiologists reading the images, so their opinions may vary a bit. As @lbrockme mentioned, write down your questions to be sure you are getting them all addressed. And have a calming cup of tea....


@am1974 Relax, deep breaths. I agree that it is concerning, and nerve-wracking! You feel like you are stuck between believing what your doctor told you, and reading all the not-so-good things your internet research dug up, right?

I have had renal lesions before. The last one on my right kidney, was followed for over a year with periodic ultrasounds and clinical exams. My urologist had flippantly told me, "well, when you start dialysis, we'll just go in and take that kidney out"! After a year+ he determined that it was of no concern for RCC because the images were not showing it to be classical RCC in its presentation.

Please let us know what the MRI results are. And remember, there may be different radiologists reading the images, so their opinions may vary a bit. As @lbrockme mentioned, write down your questions to be sure you are getting them all addressed. And have a calming cup of tea....

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Ginger, thank you so much for taking the time to respond. You have no idea what it means to me. I have been stricken with fear and anxiety but your words are reassuring. Thank you so much.


I have just gone through this same process over the past four months. A 4 cm mass was found in September. I had radical nephrectomy (entire kidney removed) on January 12, 2024. They found out it was a benign tumor. I am fortunate that I am doing well, but I am minus one kidney. I was evaluated by three Urologists and the size of growth seems to be the most important. Everyone is different, ask questions and come to your own conclusions and be committed to your own decision. After the fact, I should have done what they call “active surveillance” and watch this growth to see if it grows or causes concern. I was also a “wreck” for three months. However, with help from my physician, friends, this web site and my family I am recovering very well. My suggestion, Change your state by keeping active and helping others. You will be better, you will come through this with a few bumps, but stronger in mind, body and spirit. All the best to you, all the time. Blessings.


I have just gone through this same process over the past four months. A 4 cm mass was found in September. I had radical nephrectomy (entire kidney removed) on January 12, 2024. They found out it was a benign tumor. I am fortunate that I am doing well, but I am minus one kidney. I was evaluated by three Urologists and the size of growth seems to be the most important. Everyone is different, ask questions and come to your own conclusions and be committed to your own decision. After the fact, I should have done what they call “active surveillance” and watch this growth to see if it grows or causes concern. I was also a “wreck” for three months. However, with help from my physician, friends, this web site and my family I am recovering very well. My suggestion, Change your state by keeping active and helping others. You will be better, you will come through this with a few bumps, but stronger in mind, body and spirit. All the best to you, all the time. Blessings.

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Doug, thank you so much for responding and sharing your experience. I can’t express how grateful I am you took the time to respond. I’m sorry you had to experience any of this but glad to hear you are on the mend. Thanks also for the advice for getting other opinions.


UPDATE: MRI states that the lesion appears to be a benign cyst, and no solid enhancing masses are identified on the kidney. What do you all think about having another radiologist review it? I am going for a follow up today to see my urologist.


UPDATE: MRI states that the lesion appears to be a benign cyst, and no solid enhancing masses are identified on the kidney. What do you all think about having another radiologist review it? I am going for a follow up today to see my urologist.

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@am1974 Ask your urologist their opinion, regarding having a second radiologist read the test.


@am1974 Ask your urologist their opinion, regarding having a second radiologist read the test.

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Hello Ginger, I asked the urologist today and he agreed with the MRI reading radiologist’s findings. I may have another radiologist do a separate review. I also set up a follow up scan in a year (despite my urologist saying it was unnecessary). Thank you so much for your response.


Hello Ginger, I asked the urologist today and he agreed with the MRI reading radiologist’s findings. I may have another radiologist do a separate review. I also set up a follow up scan in a year (despite my urologist saying it was unnecessary). Thank you so much for your response.

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Hi. I agree wholeheartedly with a follow up scan going forward but think it may be wise to have surveillance sooner than one year, say in 6 months. If nothing has changed you could increase the time between future scans. It pays to be vigilant and trust your instincts. In case you notice any symptoms that might be due to your condition jump on it right away. All the best.

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