Small Fiber Neuropathy burning?

Posted by katec @katec, Mar 22, 2020

Hi everyone! I hope you’re all doing well with the quarantine. We are hanging in there!!

I have a question about small fiber neuropathy. As you know, my 15 year old son has it. His only symptom so far (4 years now) has been severe pain on the bottoms of both of his feet. Today he’s complaining of a burning sensation when his shorts touch a certain place on his thigh. I know SFN is sometimes called the burning syndrome, but I thought it was more of a widespread type of burning, not just a small spot (size of an iPhone). Have any of you experienced this before? Just the patchy burning? Thanks so much!!

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I have the sunburn sensation as well along with very tight skin; has anyone been prescribed gabapentine?

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Yes, Gabapentin and Pregabalin (Lyrica) are typically first lines of defense when it comes to nerve medications. Are you working with a neurologist?


For what stands DRG and IVIg. I live in Germany and
don't know this abbreviations. Thanks


For what stands DRG and IVIg. I live in Germany and
don't know this abbreviations. Thanks

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Welcome @alfred3, I think DRG stands for Diagnosis Related Group. "Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) is a pooled antibody, and a biological agent used to manage various immunodeficiency states and a plethora of other conditions, including autoimmune, infectious, and inflammatory states. The ultimate goal of this therapy is to normalize a compromised immune system." -

Have you been diagnosed with neuropathy? Do you mind sharing more about your diagnosis and symptoms?


Welcome @alfred3, I think DRG stands for Diagnosis Related Group. "Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) is a pooled antibody, and a biological agent used to manage various immunodeficiency states and a plethora of other conditions, including autoimmune, infectious, and inflammatory states. The ultimate goal of this therapy is to normalize a compromised immune system." -

Have you been diagnosed with neuropathy? Do you mind sharing more about your diagnosis and symptoms?

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High @johnbishop,
I suffer since about 4 years by an idiomatic polyneuropathie. The main
symtomatic are burning feets, sometime icy cold burning, sometimes fire hot
burning. Specially in the night. By the day I have a metatars allergy on
the left foot and a heel spur on the right foot. I think both sicknesses
are caused by a foot lenghness difference of 2cm by birth. Before I got the
neuropathy I have done some heavy paving work at home, which I was not used
by my age and white collarjob.

The consultations by the doctors were very disappointing by trying to
prescribe me antiepileptic/antidepressive medicine, which I refused. Now I
try to check out vitamines, B1, B3, B6, B12 and R-alpha Liponacid and
Acetyl-L-Carnitin in high dosages of the orthomolecular medicine. I have
some hope in Niacine, because it influences the small blood capillars.


High @johnbishop,
I suffer since about 4 years by an idiomatic polyneuropathie. The main
symtomatic are burning feets, sometime icy cold burning, sometimes fire hot
burning. Specially in the night. By the day I have a metatars allergy on
the left foot and a heel spur on the right foot. I think both sicknesses
are caused by a foot lenghness difference of 2cm by birth. Before I got the
neuropathy I have done some heavy paving work at home, which I was not used
by my age and white collarjob.

The consultations by the doctors were very disappointing by trying to
prescribe me antiepileptic/antidepressive medicine, which I refused. Now I
try to check out vitamines, B1, B3, B6, B12 and R-alpha Liponacid and
Acetyl-L-Carnitin in high dosages of the orthomolecular medicine. I have
some hope in Niacine, because it influences the small blood capillars.

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The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy has a great list of complementary and alternative neuropathy treatments including a list of supplements that have shown to help neuropathy here -

Since you mentioned you have idiopathic polyneuropathy, I'm wondering if you might find these two webinars from the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy on CIDP (Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy) helpful:
-- FPN Webinar: CIDP, From Soup to Nuts, with Sami Khella, MD:
-- FPN Webinar: New Horizons in CIDP Therapy: Exploring Current and
Future Treatments:


Dear John,
thank you for the very intersting references. I am now busied for the next weeks to study them with great interest.

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