Hemochromatosis: How do you deal with extreme itchiness?
My Mom has hemochromatosis and is getting phlebotomy to lower iron levels. However, she is extremely itchy. She uses benedryl gel and hydrocortisone cream. Does anyone else have any problem like this? Have you found any relief?
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I have had extreme itching for quite awhile, my doctor recommended applying coconut oil once or twice a day to arms, legs, shoulders, back after showering, and it seems to be really helping....she also said to stop using soaps. however I'm not sure what to use in the shower. so I need to ask her that. I will let you know what she proposes, if anyone hss any ideas please let me know.
I have had great success using CereVe Itch Relief which contains pramoxine hydrocholoride and three essential ceramides.
Iron overload is only treated by donating blood every 2 months. Blood tests are only measuring the iron in the blood. With this genetic disease the excess iron is stored in the organs, the liver being the first to suffer with cirrosis then cancer. The heart is usually the next organ effected. The iron in these organs is then oxidized by oxygen and turns to rust. The most important blood test is to determine level of this disease is Iron Binding Capacity which should never exceed 50%. DNA testing is the only sure way to determine if you have it or not. It easy easy to control and make beneficial use of your blood.
@artscaping are you in the States, or Canada …?
@sherryk473 what is that compounded mix called?
@swhitman410 Has she had her liver tested? Liver problems can cause itchiness.
A few months ago I picked up Burt’s Bees Hemp Body Lotion. by accident. It has been miraculous for my severe itching.
I know this is a rather old post, I hope someone is still reading it. I am newly diagnosed with hematomachomis. I am a rather weird case, as my iron levels are extremely high, but my ferritin is on the high end of normal. However, my symptoms started with the EXTREME, and I mean extreme itching. I would wake myself up at night because I was itching myself so violently it would break the skin and eventually the pain triggered my brain to wake me up. Then sometimes, I would start out itching, and it would go from one place to another, but it was so bad it just made me so restless, I just couldn't get comfortable enough to be able to relax and fall asleep. I now have permanent scars from scabs that have been almost healed and reopened so many times, and the thing is, once you start scratching, it feels sooo good, you literally can't stop! I went to my doctor, then a dermatologist...both had no clue and just offered creams and steroids, which did absolutely nothing. My daughter is a pharmacy tech for an independent pharmacy in Little Rock and she works with compounds. I told her what I was going through and she informed me that she makes an itch medicine there that works pretty well and they sell a small bottle for $10 and apparently you can get all different sizes. It's like a gel consistency. I told her I was willing to try anything! So she sent me a small bottle to try and it has worked better than anything I have tried so far. There's no steroid, narcotic, or anything like that in it, just a mixture of stuff that actually seems to work well together and unfortunately can only be compounded by a pharmacy. It does dry your skin, a little, but I just make sure to keep lotion on my skin so it doesn't dry out, and it really helps when I have bad flare-ups. I know this pharmacy is in Arkansas, but if you have a good pharmacy, they might be able to call and get the recipe to be able to make it wherever you are, if they are able to compound. I hope this helps.
I was diagnosed with hemochromatosis years ago and have been having treatment as needed.I also suffer from itchy skin but never associated it with my high iron as other family members have the itchy reddish skin issue as well and I just assumed that it was inherited.if I scratch at all then the itching becomes worse.i get relief from the itching by spraying the affected area with rubbing alcohol.works great for me so I keep a small bottle close at hand.
Thank you. I appreciate your suggestion. I will try it.
Nothing seems to help and I am unable to sleep.