Side effects three days post prostate radiation ?

Posted by thitch @thitch, 6 days ago

Just finish 35 rad. treatment for raising PSA. I'm also about two month into lupron therapy. Have had the hot flashes, joint pain, diarrhea but manageable. Three day after finishing rad. treatment I feel terrible. dizziness to the point of blackout, nausea, cramps, diarrhea, feels allot like food poisoning which it could be. Anyone have similar side effect post radiation.

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I agree, they should go over the possible side effects but they never want to SUGGEST that you may feel that way.

the side effects of the hormone shots lessen?

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When I had my consultation prior to treatments begining I must have spent an hour with a PA. He went over what is common side affects and less common side affects and what to expect. They (UFHPTI) like Mayo have a portal system and he asked me to use it to ask any questions or report and side affect I needed help with.

Having prostate cancer is such a dramatic impact on your mental and physical health. I have empathy when someone on MCC does not get the same excellent care I received. I had similiar expereriences with other providers outside of UFHPTI and Mayo. It makes me appreciate the care givers I have at UFHPTI and Mayo.

I think you asked me about hormone shots side affects in your post. I did not have hormone treatment shots. I cannot comment on my personal experience with that. I know many posters have had the hormone treatments and would be best if they pass on their personal experience with that treatment.

From what my R/Os explained to me during my initial consultations and from ohters on MCC that have had hormone treatments it does sound like your side affects are from the hormone treatments. But that does not mean they could not be from radiation as every one is different.

Radiation damage is culmative (from my R/Os) and more and more damage is done and body reacts to that damage. As I mentioned my R/Os stated common to get fatique and is usally mild to medium. My R/O went over nutrition, supplements, exercise, to help prepare for post treatments preperations, during treatments and after treatments.


Quick question. I was diagnosed with chronic Bronchitis ie asthma three year ago. Listed on the side effects for Lupron injections are shortness a breath hard breathing and cough. This is probably at the top of the list that affects me the most. Has anyone experience such a connection between a weak pulmonary system being effect by Lupron therapy? Thanks everyone


As for the Lupron side-effects, have you increased your resistant-training to minimize those side-effects?
As for the radiation side-effects —> A few questions to ask your radiation oncologist:
> how many grays of radiation did you receive each treatment?
> did they overshoot your prostate and hit otherwise healthy tissues and organs? (That’s what causes those types of side -effects.)

(I had 28 sessions of proton radiation during April-May 2021 + six months of Eligard. Treatments were relatively uneventful.)


From what I was told by my urologist and R/Os what you posted and experiencing were what my R/Os gave me for side affects of hormone treatments. On MCC I try not to assume something or try to give medical guidance as I am not a medical professional and certainly don't have the training or experience to ever try to.

From all the things I read about homone treatments it sounded like is echoed what my R/Os had given me and what other posters who had hormone treatments posted. I was originally going to have hormone treatments as my original diagnosis was intermediate risks. My R/Os at Mayo and again at UFHPTI went over in depth what to expect for side affects of my radiation and hormone treatments.

My R/Os recommended Decipher test before final treatments began. The Decipher came back low risk notthe original itermediate risk from biopsies. This changed my treatments to just radiation not hormones.

The radiation damage to your prostate, surrounding tissues, organs, etc. side affects will get worse and worse as your treatments go on. This comes from my own expeierence and what my R/Os and PCP stated would occur as your prostate and body react to radiation damage. When you mentioned your side affects got worse at end this would echo what my R/Os said about accumulating as more and more damage was done.

Fatique was given to me as a side affect and did come as my treatments continued. The side affects of increase urnination and voiding were worse at end of radiation treatments but I expected that as the radiation damage is cumulative as you have more and more.

You have a better attitude toward your doctors than I would have had. They should have gone over the side affects that very common with your radiation and hormone treatments. Especially the hormone treatments as they are from whay my R/Os explain to me and from what other posters have posted are much worse than side affects of radiation.

But again we are all different. What will happen to one poster will not happen to anohter. One thing though you will read that as time passes the side affects will lesson more and more.
Good luck!!

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Mine went over them but didn't do a thing about reported side effects. Took me blowing up on the table twice in one Rad session and refusing to get back on the table until they gave me medication to finally get medication. I will do one follow up and dump him.


28 radiation sessions more-or-less in the middle of 6 months of ADT with Orgovyx for me. I experienced most of the side effects you mention, but yours sound particularly severe - and odd that you're experiencing this right after you've completed your radiation treatments.

I think I would check in with your oncologist's office and see what they have to say. While I was having my radiation treatments, there was a once-a-week "doctor day," when they would go over any side effects I was experiencing and offer suggestions for coping (or, in one case writing a prescription).

Hope you get past this soon!

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Thanks. It was strange on the second day to experience what I did especially the testicle sensation. I did have the weekly meeting with RO during radiation. I clearly mentioned my side effects with great emotion. He listened genuinely but had little to add or suggest how to cope with it. This was back in June of 2024. Since then, I met with a urologic oncologist (new to me) within same healthcare system. He and an intern spent almost 1.5 hours with me. Both made me walk out of there feeling pretty good after some creative suggesting for dealing with side effects. I now see him (UO) every 3 months with him being proactive with monitoring my health and side effects. Thus far I think I'm generally done with my RO as well as the initial Urologist as I'm good with UO>


Thanks. It was strange on the second day to experience what I did especially the testicle sensation. I did have the weekly meeting with RO during radiation. I clearly mentioned my side effects with great emotion. He listened genuinely but had little to add or suggest how to cope with it. This was back in June of 2024. Since then, I met with a urologic oncologist (new to me) within same healthcare system. He and an intern spent almost 1.5 hours with me. Both made me walk out of there feeling pretty good after some creative suggesting for dealing with side effects. I now see him (UO) every 3 months with him being proactive with monitoring my health and side effects. Thus far I think I'm generally done with my RO as well as the initial Urologist as I'm good with UO>

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I really support your post!

I have over and over read posters not happy with their medical providers. Whether it be incompedence, non caring, and not patient first oriented they need to find another provider.

During times of medical problems it affects mental health as well. Medical providers need to know this and their approach to patient with this in mind. You can tell really quick if they are oriented to patient first both mentally and physically.

Even if you have to drive much more the mental health impact can be dramatic. And our mental health affects physical health and vice versa. I am glad you found a patient first provider.


I really support your post!

I have over and over read posters not happy with their medical providers. Whether it be incompedence, non caring, and not patient first oriented they need to find another provider.

During times of medical problems it affects mental health as well. Medical providers need to know this and their approach to patient with this in mind. You can tell really quick if they are oriented to patient first both mentally and physically.

Even if you have to drive much more the mental health impact can be dramatic. And our mental health affects physical health and vice versa. I am glad you found a patient first provider.

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Thanks for your input. As depression and just dealing with all of this, my primary doc did put me on anti-anxiety and depression meds which helped. Additionally, I enlisted a therapist for additional support, and it has really helped. He has no real experience with PCa, but has adapted to my concerns and has just been one of the best support systems for my situation. I lucked out with this therapist.


Thanks. It was strange on the second day to experience what I did especially the testicle sensation. I did have the weekly meeting with RO during radiation. I clearly mentioned my side effects with great emotion. He listened genuinely but had little to add or suggest how to cope with it. This was back in June of 2024. Since then, I met with a urologic oncologist (new to me) within same healthcare system. He and an intern spent almost 1.5 hours with me. Both made me walk out of there feeling pretty good after some creative suggesting for dealing with side effects. I now see him (UO) every 3 months with him being proactive with monitoring my health and side effects. Thus far I think I'm generally done with my RO as well as the initial Urologist as I'm good with UO>

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Learning the rapid Penguin walk to the bathroom helped me. I had both bladder and bowel incontinence after 25 sessions. RO did nothing for me. Currently 3 weeks post radiation and both are slowly dissipating. Bowel is the worst and I can lose total control. I take Imodium when I know I won't be near a rest room. Like I said earlier, 3 weeks later it is getting better. Hopes for a quick recovery.


Wow - I didn't have any negative bowel effects after radiation. I did have (emptying my bowels) issues each day of radiation. Each day it was either constipation or loose stools before the Tx session. But I finally made it through the 25 sessions. Hope yours improve.


Mine went over them but didn't do a thing about reported side effects. Took me blowing up on the table twice in one Rad session and refusing to get back on the table until they gave me medication to finally get medication. I will do one follow up and dump him.

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I like the dump him , looks like you dumped him on the table , I had diarrhea for the whole 6 weeks if radiation sometimes 6-8 times a night , fortunately not bad during the day ? Prescription meds didn’t help , slowly getting back to normal 2 weeks post radiation

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