Side effects of cortisone injection?

Posted by koleke @koleke, May 17, 2024

I had a cortisone injection in my left knee on Tuesday. By the evening I got a headache, felt like a migraine. Two days later the headache subsided but my right neck\jaw area has shooting pains coming at regular intervals. Has anyone experienced something similar? Not sure what to do about it????

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I suggest you see your doctor today. The symptoms are not likely from your steroid injection. You may be at the onset of another condition that requires prompt treatment such as shingles.


I have had cortisone shots in knee and spine and haven’t had this response. I’m. It sure if you are allergic to anything in the shot. Your symptoms sound neurological and you want to make sure not tied to heart (women’s signs for heart attack can involve head/neck/jaw). Talk to your doctor right away to make sure it is nothing serious m, especially if you never had these symptoms before and are new.


I've had plenty of cortisone injections in my life, including my knees. I have never had this reaction.

That said, your symptoms require attention asap. Try to get into an urgent care clinic or ER. Please let us know how you are doing, and all the best.


Thank you all who replied. I did go to urgent care and they did basically nothing except reasuure me that I'm ok. I was told it's either TMJ or a nerve issue as I happen to be wearing a heart monitor right now and can do an ECG at will and the heart was ruled out. Nsaids and warm compresses is what I was told. I will go to my doctor on Monday if the shooting pains don't subside. Thanks again for your opinions.


Thank you all who replied. I did go to urgent care and they did basically nothing except reasuure me that I'm ok. I was told it's either TMJ or a nerve issue as I happen to be wearing a heart monitor right now and can do an ECG at will and the heart was ruled out. Nsaids and warm compresses is what I was told. I will go to my doctor on Monday if the shooting pains don't subside. Thanks again for your opinions.

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Possible it's a dental problem? An abscess can sit for a while before causing pain. Seems like a long shot though, that pain is more likely to be throbbing. Hopefully your Dr can help. All the best.


I just was reading that you can have neurological symptoms after cortisone shots. I have had them multiple times in my spine so I was interested in this, too, because I have many neurological symptoms and problems.


Thank you for all your comments and care! On Saturday afternoon it just stopped hurting! I had decided to ignore it and did sone stretching and cardio. After a shower it was gone! I can only attribute it to a nerve that benefited from stretching or God's healing touch on me. But I'm truly grateful!!! Have great week!


Thank you for all your comments and care! On Saturday afternoon it just stopped hurting! I had decided to ignore it and did sone stretching and cardio. After a shower it was gone! I can only attribute it to a nerve that benefited from stretching or God's healing touch on me. But I'm truly grateful!!! Have great week!

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That's terrific news! FWIW stretching and a good cardio session are very healing for me. First of all, it's simply good for the body, especially the heart. And the mind seems to go along for the ride. Sleep is also better and good sleep is healing.

I'm so happy to hear you are better koleke! Joe


I just was reading that you can have neurological symptoms after cortisone shots. I have had them multiple times in my spine so I was interested in this, too, because I have many neurological symptoms and problems.

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Thank you daily. Fascinating article on the effects, good and bad, from cortisone injections. I have had a number of them over the years, mostly knees before they were replaced and now shoulder. I found it interesting that something used to treat arthritis could actually weaken bone structure (osteoporosis).

I haven't experienced these side effects - well, I don't think so. But it's a good reminder that these shots should be used sparingly. That said, they can be a very effective short-term alternative to surgery. Eventually I will have to get my shoulder replaced.....


Thank you daily. Fascinating article on the effects, good and bad, from cortisone injections. I have had a number of them over the years, mostly knees before they were replaced and now shoulder. I found it interesting that something used to treat arthritis could actually weaken bone structure (osteoporosis).

I haven't experienced these side effects - well, I don't think so. But it's a good reminder that these shots should be used sparingly. That said, they can be a very effective short-term alternative to surgery. Eventually I will have to get my shoulder replaced.....

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I agree the injections are needed but good to know the risks of too many. I am 54 and they are doing the spinal injections to delay needing to get lumbar surgery (laminectomy/fusion L2-L5 and possibly S1) due to congenital severe spinal stenosis. They say I’m too young to get the surgery but other doctors say I should get it now due to being younger to recover front eh surgery.

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