Side Effects of Changing TSH Level

Posted by tryingmybest247 @tryingmybest247, Mar 21 4:07pm

I was diagnosed with papillary thyoid cancer in 2022, and had my thyroid removed in December of 2022. My TSH has been suppressed since my surgery, hovering around .03, for about a year. About 3 weeks ago, my levothyroxine dose has finally been decreased enough that my TSH is starting to rise a bit. My issue is that while it's rising, I feel so rundown. I'm just exhausted and don't have the energy and endurance I'm used to. Has anyone else experienced this? Will my body adjust to the more "normal" TSH in time? About how long is it likely to take?

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Although I have not been able to get stabilized on medication yet, when my TSH is very low I seem to feel very badly….I’m weak and have a lot of side effects. My doctor said I mght have to have my TSH be a little higher just to quell the side effects. It’s very hard to find the right medicine and the right dose. Good luck!


Our bodies are unique! It does take a while to get things balanced . Recognizing that all things affect each other helped me to be patient and work for that balance. But it's hard to not feel well . It's a normal reaction to feel overwhelmed and impatient around that.
Hoping it levels out soon!

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