Side effects after Covid Vaccine - symptoms seem like PMR

Posted by bpyle47 @bpyle47, Dec 16, 2023

Has anyone else had PMR symptoms (without confirmation- a blood test didn't show any inflamation) after Covid or Covid Vaccine. I wake up every morning with horrible pain in the same places as PMR. Doctors are not helping me.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.

a number of folks on this forum associate a vax with onset of pmr. Some anecdotal posts about this relationship here, so it is not all that uncommon:


Yes, I commented under the other thread regarding the onset of PMR correlating with a COVID vaccination. Note that I have NEVER had elevated inflammatory markers in my blood and I only hurt while in bed. It was such a mild case, it took 4 months to diagnose. Be sure to report your case to the Vaccine Adverse Event Report System. like I did:


A common thread Covid vaccinations over 50 years.
Great health until the vaccinations with month unexplained lateral pain upper and lower and your legs feel like you just ran a 26 mile marathon. And they call it PMR. Big pharma is not going to admit they created a monster.....look around and explore the common thread.


Yes, I commented under the other thread regarding the onset of PMR correlating with a COVID vaccination. Note that I have NEVER had elevated inflammatory markers in my blood and I only hurt while in bed. It was such a mild case, it took 4 months to diagnose. Be sure to report your case to the Vaccine Adverse Event Report System. like I did:

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OMG, I had PMR about eight years ago and it went away. I went to the Rheumatologist and she checked twice for elevated inflammtory markers and there were none. I keep telling people that the pain I am having is exactly like the pain of PMR. I have seen Rhuematologist, Neurologist, and two Orthopedists. Orthopedist order PT which only seems to agravate the pain in my shoulders and down my arms. I just started seeing an Immunologist and seemed to understand what I am going through. He spent two hours with me and really seemed to care. He ordered blood test and some health food items to try to build my immune system back up. I want my life back!


Good that folks are asking the right questions of their health care providers...
Seems that there is a elevate increase in recent months of people having the same symptoms that get diagnosed as PMR...that said my health care contacts say they have recently treated more people in the past several months than they had encountered in their career with these symptoms.
Currently doing the Prednisone shuffle and I'm at 7mgs down from the start from 20mgs 13 weeks ago.
And not doing what I had hoped for bilateral lower back and shoulders discomfort and legs experiencing like pressure that feels like muscle exertion ( without being exerted). So I guess it's back up that mountain to climb the Prednisone treatment (shuffle). Back up, but the real question is to what level?? Where are those statistics of people who feel they have vaccinations reaction get reported and are they are published for the public consumption. Other than other countries like the UK, Iceland.


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OMG, I had PMR about eight years ago and it went away. I went to the Rheumatologist and she checked twice for elevated inflammtory markers and there were none. I keep telling people that the pain I am having is exactly like the pain of PMR. I have seen Rhuematologist, Neurologist, and two Orthopedists. Orthopedist order PT which only seems to agravate the pain in my shoulders and down my arms. I just started seeing an Immunologist and seemed to understand what I am going through. He spent two hours with me and really seemed to care. He ordered blood test and some health food items to try to build my immune system back up. I want my life back!

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I hope this helps to resolve your pain. I have posted many times in other threads about my diet and how I think it helped me resolve PMR quickly, with only mild symptoms. I am a registered dietitian and eat an organic, whole foods, primarily plant-based, with a little animal protein. I also take turmeric and omega-3's daily, as well as probiotics for my gut/immune health. Seventy percent of your immunity starts in your gut, so if you feed your microbiome what it likes, e.g., fiber, your microbes help to protect you. Unfortunately, most Americans don't eat enough fiber and the phytonutrients that are often lost with processing food. Good luck to you. Hugs.


In September, when I was tapering down prednisone (now off), I had a little pain in both upper arms, a slight scalp tenderness and a very low fever. I had been free from pmr pain for quite a while and had never had covid. I wanted/needed to know what was going on, so I took a covid test and it was positive. My case was very mild. Those odd pains quickly went away, was tired a couple days and sneezed a lot. But both I and my rheumatologist found it interesting how those early symptoms overlapped.


I hope this helps to resolve your pain. I have posted many times in other threads about my diet and how I think it helped me resolve PMR quickly, with only mild symptoms. I am a registered dietitian and eat an organic, whole foods, primarily plant-based, with a little animal protein. I also take turmeric and omega-3's daily, as well as probiotics for my gut/immune health. Seventy percent of your immunity starts in your gut, so if you feed your microbiome what it likes, e.g., fiber, your microbes help to protect you. Unfortunately, most Americans don't eat enough fiber and the phytonutrients that are often lost with processing food. Good luck to you. Hugs.

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I am seeing an immunologist now bc I have had Shingles three times in the last year and a half. He has prescribed all of the things you mentioned to help build up my immune system. He also believes immunity starts in your gut. Thank you for confirming his advice.


I am seeing an immunologist now bc I have had Shingles three times in the last year and a half. He has prescribed all of the things you mentioned to help build up my immune system. He also believes immunity starts in your gut. Thank you for confirming his advice.

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Good to hear! Let's hope he is the new generation of MD's that prescribe diet over pills.

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