SI Joint problem

Posted by detc @detc, Sep 20, 2023

My husband has what has been diagnosed by his primary doctor and confirmed by his physical therapist, with an SI joint problem. Started in late May. It began in only the hip area but now travels to his knee and lower leg. After six weeks of therapy, he’s generally better but he backslides from day to day. What has worked for others with this problem?

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The responce to joint injections is a mysterious adventure. The experiences of friends and myself seem to fluctuate so much, no matter which joint or practitioner. No two shots are unlike!
About 30 years ago, on top of my joint issues, I had an encounter with a violent patient.. resulting in a fractured sacrum and dislocated S.I. joint. I have had the whole spread of P.T., and shots. I'd say that the year long, daily P.T., had the most consistent benefit. My TENS unit has been a great addition.
The shots .. well, some great, others not! I have an open door policy with my specialist, when needed, and when brave, I give it 'a go'.
In the last 2 years, the best thing I have done for my 'back issues' is installing a tall bathroom toilet and vanity. It was amazing how much less my back feels sore! Changing the environment to suit your body's limitations has had great benefits!
It is a life long issue; a bit like having a tiger crouching in the bushes, ready to pounce!
All the best to all in keeping 'war wounds' at bay!


The responce to joint injections is a mysterious adventure. The experiences of friends and myself seem to fluctuate so much, no matter which joint or practitioner. No two shots are unlike!
About 30 years ago, on top of my joint issues, I had an encounter with a violent patient.. resulting in a fractured sacrum and dislocated S.I. joint. I have had the whole spread of P.T., and shots. I'd say that the year long, daily P.T., had the most consistent benefit. My TENS unit has been a great addition.
The shots .. well, some great, others not! I have an open door policy with my specialist, when needed, and when brave, I give it 'a go'.
In the last 2 years, the best thing I have done for my 'back issues' is installing a tall bathroom toilet and vanity. It was amazing how much less my back feels sore! Changing the environment to suit your body's limitations has had great benefits!
It is a life long issue; a bit like having a tiger crouching in the bushes, ready to pounce!
All the best to all in keeping 'war wounds' at bay!

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Thank you for relating your experiences. It sounds like you are exploring many different solutions. We hadn’t considered a TENS unit. We can look into that. We’re going to try acupuncture in the near future to see if it can provide some relief. Best to you.


Thank you for relating your experiences. It sounds like you are exploring many different solutions. We hadn’t considered a TENS unit. We can look into that. We’re going to try acupuncture in the near future to see if it can provide some relief. Best to you.

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And a return thank you to you. I have also used acupuncture with great relief; as well as massage. I don't think there is one solution, but rather a whole 'tossed salad' of the things that work!
Hope you find some relief with the acupuncture. All the best as you explore these alternatives.


Hi @detc, I'd like to invite @scruffy1, @cookierockwell, @sandyincharlotte, @sameerak, and @rjmtwit to this discussion as they have all discussed varying issues with their SI joints as well and have undergone different treatments as well.

@detc, if you are comfortable sharing, could you tell us a bit more about your husband's SI issue itself? Some members' issues came from arthritis, surgery, etc. If you are comfortable sharing a bit more, it may help members share their relatable experiences.

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I have arthritis in my left arm SI joints that has been a pain for years. It getting worse as I get older. In May 2022 I had radio frequency ablation and it made big difference. It lasted a year. Unfortunately now Medicare doesn’t cover it. So now I’m increasing my stretching and going to try yoga. Also see a physical therapist.


I have arthritis in my left arm SI joints that has been a pain for years. It getting worse as I get older. In May 2022 I had radio frequency ablation and it made big difference. It lasted a year. Unfortunately now Medicare doesn’t cover it. So now I’m increasing my stretching and going to try yoga. Also see a physical therapist.

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Thank you for your comment. We had not heard about the possibility of ablation to relieve pain. Glad that you benefited from it. Good luck going forward with your new plans for remedy.


My husband, age 70, blacked out last Halloween (2022) and fell flat on his back in our bathroom floor. He was seen in ER but they said all he had was bruising. Months later his pain was so great he saw an orthopedic doctor who did x-rays and saw several fractured ribs, several fractured vertebrae. This last July he saw a spine surgeon who x-rays his pelvis and did provocative tests for SI joint dysfunction. It was horribly painful, then he had the injections to see if they relieved his pain and they did for about 5 hours. He is scheduled for SI joint surgery the day before Thanksgiving. He is living on opioids and there is no quality of life the pain is so intense. We are praying the surgery will give him relief from the pain. His pain does go down his hips and legs as well. Only this last surgeon thought to look at the SI joints.


My husband, age 70, blacked out last Halloween (2022) and fell flat on his back in our bathroom floor. He was seen in ER but they said all he had was bruising. Months later his pain was so great he saw an orthopedic doctor who did x-rays and saw several fractured ribs, several fractured vertebrae. This last July he saw a spine surgeon who x-rays his pelvis and did provocative tests for SI joint dysfunction. It was horribly painful, then he had the injections to see if they relieved his pain and they did for about 5 hours. He is scheduled for SI joint surgery the day before Thanksgiving. He is living on opioids and there is no quality of life the pain is so intense. We are praying the surgery will give him relief from the pain. His pain does go down his hips and legs as well. Only this last surgeon thought to look at the SI joints.

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Thank you for taking the time to share your experience. So sorry to hear about your husband’s very painful situation. It’s so important to correctly diagnose these issues so that proper and effective treatment can be determined. We wish your husband a safe and successful surgery. We understand that this is also difficult for you. Best to both of you.


Thank you for your kind wishes. Take care.

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