Should I be concerned?

Posted by msmelissa2712 @msmelissa2712, Jun 14, 2023

Hello, i was diagnosed with pernicious anemia last year and always have had absorption issues. I started experiencing stroke like symptoms and circulation problems. My feet swell and turn purple, my hands tremor and ive had a few other unusual symptoms. Stiffness, fatigue, dysautonomia, toe and joint pains, and at times feel pain deep in my bones. My hemoglobin 6 months ago was high 16.3 and after drawing several more rounds of blood it came down. 6 months later I started experiencing bouts of tachycardia with chest pain and again hemoglobin was high 15.3 but after drawing blood a couple times went back down. My family has hx of stroke and anemia with my sister and mother. Is it possible this is a genetic blood disorder Im dealing with which is undiagnosed. It seems since starting my b12 deficiency treatment my hemoglobin has consistently been rising. My cardiologist recommends I see a hematologist but my primary care doctor has no concern but has already made it clear he only knows how to treat the common cold.

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Here are a few images of the swelling/purple discoloration I have been experiencing


@msmelissa2712 Good morning and welcome to Mayo Connect. Oh my goodness, take your cardiologist’s recommendation to meet with a hematologist to heart…no pun intended. But when you’re having elevated red blood counts to the point of needing phlebotomies, experiencing so many other symptoms and have a familial history of strokes and anemia…it’s time to get a blood specialist on board.

Can you do this without a referral?


I think your cardiologist is right, time to make appointment with hematologist and get some answers. Best of luck

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