Shortness of breath after recovering from Corona, perfumes and cold ai

Posted by romeo51 @romeo51, Jun 9, 2023

Hello, I have been recovering from Corona for two years. My symptoms continue to this day. Shortness of breath increases and decreases every day. I do not know the reason. I noticed the shortness increases with cold air, perfumes and many other things. Before Corona, I was a normal person who did not become blind from shortness of breath. Will I continue like this? to you

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I've also had shortness of breath since Covid , more than two years ago—and like you, there are days when it is not an issue at all, whereas on other days it's a problem. In my case I've noticed that when it's cool and dry I do better than when it's very warm and/or humid. I haven't seen a pulmonologist yet but that's next on the agenda.


Also Long COVID over two years. It seems all commenters here so far have the “same generation” of long COVID symptoms. *[pre-OMICRON(?)] Mine have been consistent since 9/2020. Also pre-vaccines. I call them my bag-o-symptoms. Everyday, like Forest Gump’s box of chocolates, I never know which symptoms will present nor to what degree… heart racing-palpitations-spiking-dipping; shortness of breath - I have likened to breathing through cheesecloth-wrapped lungs; chest pain/pressure; fatigue; brain fog; dizziness - making me feel unbalanced (not vertigo); headaches. Those have been my primary symptoms from the beginning until today. They tend to worsen with little to no exertion. Like @aheid, they seem worse in warm weather and humidity. I’ve also experienced other short term, isolated, symptoms but not really worth mentioning. Very odd and random that could or could not be COVID related.

I have had all standard diagnostic heart (including Holter heart monitors - 3-day, 30-day, 14-day-, pulmonary, bloodwork testing done to reveal nothing abnormal or “remarkable”. I have done breathwork therapy (provided by our local opera that was both interesting and helpful. Opera singers definitely know their stuff when it comes to disciplined breathing practices.); cardio and pulmonary rehab. I am scheduled for Speech Therapy in August 2023 to help with brain fog. I have recently been prescribed Metoprolol 25mg/day to help bring my heart rate down and overall it is doing that. No more spikes to as high as 200 beats per min, and daily averages are down to 70’s-80’s from 80’s-90’s. I have also just been prescribed Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) 1-3mg/day with hopes of helping improve multiple symptoms - fatigue, brain fog, pain. There has been some very positive results and small trials done to indicate LDN an effective treatment for Long COVID. I haven’t yet started, but will try to remember to update as I learn.

Though still experiencing all symptoms, I was definitely seeing improvement in the severity of them. I believe the rehab programs and Rx treatments were helping. With my second round of COVID in early March 2023, my symptoms were “re-ignited” and I was almost back to the beginning in regard to severity. The intensity has waned again, but all symptoms remain.

I cannot answer @romeo51 ’s question whether we will return to pre-COVID health. So it has been my practice to learn to make whatever adjustments I can to my lifestyle to minimize symptoms and live the best life I can day-to-day. The Lord remains my Rock and I keep my feet firmly planted on and in Him, who is my Hope and Salvation.

We are not alone in this. To know that does bring a modicum of peace and comfort. However short our breath is we still have it so life remains worth living. Blessings to you both and anyone else who visits here.


I've also had shortness of breath since Covid , more than two years ago—and like you, there are days when it is not an issue at all, whereas on other days it's a problem. In my case I've noticed that when it's cool and dry I do better than when it's very warm and/or humid. I haven't seen a pulmonologist yet but that's next on the agenda.

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Similar problems. Felt like I was breathing in ice for over a year after my first round of Covid. Finally got a CT scan and was diagnosed with emphysema. Has to be from Covid.. Never smoked a cigarette in my life.

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