SFN and periods of daytime sleepiness

Posted by julbpat @julbpat, Sep 23, 2023

I’m writing this because yesterday was one of those days where I had trouble staying awake. I’ve had variations of this problem for years, but as my SFN has progressed, and I’m home more, it is getting worse. Periodically throughout the day, it’s as if I’ve been given a sleep potion! I am so, so sleepy. Yesterday I was at home, ready to be productive, but by 2 pm I had taken 4 naps. I lie down and immediately fall asleep, usually 30 minutes to an hour. It’s impossible to fight. If I’m in my car, I take a parking lot nap.
As a person who likes to be productive and be active, this is just another way that SFN is stealing my life.
This feeling goes away by late afternoon. But my day is shot.
This is not related to medications, diet, actual tiredness, etc.
Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this.

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Well, I did think of you and your suggestion today. I used to have a cup of coffee mid-afternoon, especially when I was working. It's a great tool! I was wondering why I stopped doing this. Well, it's because as the day goes on, my mouth and tongue soreness increases. I have a mildly burning tongue most of the time these days, and even the roof of my mouth is sore. My taste changes as the soreness increases. So coffee tastes bad, and if it's hot, it certainly feels bad.
I get increasingly bloated throughout the day also. Adding coffee to that - well, just doesn't sound good.
Just another of those things that has changed over time without my really realizing it. The small fiber neuropathy affects all my systems, and includes a mouth that will develop painful sores randomly. And an unhappy tongue.
But I did have a cup today! And it has perked me up! I took your suggestion!


Well, I did think of you and your suggestion today. I used to have a cup of coffee mid-afternoon, especially when I was working. It's a great tool! I was wondering why I stopped doing this. Well, it's because as the day goes on, my mouth and tongue soreness increases. I have a mildly burning tongue most of the time these days, and even the roof of my mouth is sore. My taste changes as the soreness increases. So coffee tastes bad, and if it's hot, it certainly feels bad.
I get increasingly bloated throughout the day also. Adding coffee to that - well, just doesn't sound good.
Just another of those things that has changed over time without my really realizing it. The small fiber neuropathy affects all my systems, and includes a mouth that will develop painful sores randomly. And an unhappy tongue.
But I did have a cup today! And it has perked me up! I took your suggestion!

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Interesting…I get sore tongue/ mouth at times too. And I think hot coffee does exacerbate that….wondering if iced coffee would be something to try?


Interesting…I get sore tongue/ mouth at times too. And I think hot coffee does exacerbate that….wondering if iced coffee would be something to try?

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Iced coffee sounds more soothing, although coffee is still acidic. You could also just take a caffeine pill ( something else I did when working). But if you enjoy coffee throughout the day, the keep enjoying it! I just don’t anymore. In fact, I’m drinking my morning coffee right now, and I won’t finish it. The “ bad things” - weird taste, reflux - are already starting.


I thought I was the only one feeling like this. Sometimes so sleepy I feel in a fog.


I feel like that also but I attribute it to my sleeping only 4-5 hrs a night.
I finally go to sleep around 4am and wake up between 8-9am.
That causes me to fall asleep several ti es during the day even sitting up in a chair.


I’m the same way, very tired and I don’t do anything due to my mobility issues.
I shouldn’t be so tired.
Yesterday I think I fell asleep while talking to my friend on the phone.
I woke up and didn’t remember ending our conversation.
She said the phone went dead and she tried calling me back but it wouldn’t go thru.
Very scary!


I’m the same way, very tired and I don’t do anything due to my mobility issues.
I shouldn’t be so tired.
Yesterday I think I fell asleep while talking to my friend on the phone.
I woke up and didn’t remember ending our conversation.
She said the phone went dead and she tried calling me back but it wouldn’t go thru.
Very scary!

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Yes, scary, but I can see myself doing that. When I have tried to push through the foggy fatigue, I know I have acted pretty strange.
Today I am delivering Meals on Wheels with a friend. This week the fatigue and slight dizziness have hit about the time I need to meet her. But this friend is also a retired nurse, and is great about understanding. My job is to read the driving instructions as she drives, and sometimes we get so turned around, from my confusion, that we are laughing at ourselves. And if I feel too bad to push through today, she completely accepts that.


I have neuropathy caused by chemo. It’s going on four years since my Chemo treatment and I am always tired around 2 pm in the afternoon. I don’t try to fight this anymore. I am most productive in the morning and thank goodness I am an early riser. This is when I get the work done I need to for the day. I am an avid reader so I read in the afternoon and have my nap then. I figure by then I’ve earned it.

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