SFN and painful chill bumps and pain

Posted by julbpat @julbpat, Jul 30, 2022

I assume my SFN has developed dysautonomic reactions. I’ve known for years that ice packs and cryotherapy would be a terrible treatment for my pain, but now I’m starting to realize why. This summer I have developed an intermittent intolerance to the a/c in my house. I get chill bumps, and every chill bump is painful! This has very little to do with the actual setting of my a/c. It’s been the same for years. Last night I had to put on a sweater and get a fleece blanket, even though it’s 90 degrees and muggy outside. I had to go sit on my porch like this! Of course, 30 minutes later I will be hot, sweaty, and fighting a prickly, painful feeling all over my body. Irrational temperature fluctuations. It hurts! Anyone experience this?

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@julbpat - I do get chills sometimes with my neuropathy but have never experienced the small bumps or associated pain. There is another discussion on the topic that you might find helpful:
-- Temperature intolerance and sensitivity - Autonomic Neuropathy?:

Here's an article on the topic:
"Characteristic symptoms of small-fiber damage include pain, loss of pain and temperature sensation, and/or autonomic symptoms such as sweating or..."
-- Small-Fiber Neuropathy: Answering the Burning Questions:


Thanks for the articles. My dream is for someone to tell me how to deal with all this, instead of me figuring it out and telling the MD and PT what I need! By happenstance, I just saw a brand new graduate MD of the Neurology program at UAB. I was scheduled to see his partner, but saw Dr N instead. I have decided that is a “God thing”. Maybe he can tell me the latest information and treatment! I see him again in two days.
The list of my physicians and therapists who are not familiar with SFN is long. We are figuring things out together. But it’s exhausting!

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