Severe spinal stenosis: Would you do surgery?

Posted by collierga @collierga, Jan 15, 2020

Hi there
I am new to this group. I am a 64 yr old female, in basically good health. Hip replacement 10/2018 with no complications.. Currently have no pain only bilateral finger numbness with minor lower left arm numbness. For the most part does not interfere with my daily living activities
Diagnosed with severe cervical stenosis via MRI in 8/2019,C-3-4 shows severe disc degeneration, moderate to severe bilateral formalin narrowing due to uncinate spurs/C4-5 same as 3-4 but with broad based disc bulge/5-7 C7-T-1 Degenerative anterolisthesisBroad based disc/osteophytic ridge causing severe central canal narrowing. i have gone to 2 different Neuro surgeons they both say complete opposite treatment plans. One says observe see him if symptoms get worse. The other doctor wants to do 2 surgeries, first through the front, #2 through the back to stabilize. I am leaning towards no surgery but am looking for someone to tell me they had this surgery and are happy t hey had it done. So far when i talk to people with back/neck issues they say they would never again go through surgery.
Thank you all in advance for you opinions..

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I have severe stenosis too I have always opted for no surgery I can get by pretty good from my back stretching and pain meds if I go a day or two without doing them it can get to be very painful I also need a rod in my back but I saw how that worked for my dad after he had rods he was still in pain so I didn’t have much faith in that kind of surgery plus you can’t bend over after rods I go to pain clinic for my Tramadol plus my regular Dr prescribes gabapentin and ant inflammatory pill I have had pain for a long time like years I don’t work anymore so I can lay down most anytime Good luck

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Hi there
I too have cervical stenosis
No pain just numbness in toes and hands. I had 2 opinions, one wanted to do 2 survives, front and back. Other doctor reminded me we treat symptoms not the scan
Said no surgery unless things get worse . That is who I chose to believe . That was almost 3 yrs ago and I have to say quality of life is good with no pain


I had the surgery you are talking about four years ago. Problems started again about a year ago. I just had Minute Man Procedure that I thought was a miracle cure for about two weeks and then things started heading South again. I have a lot of pain when walking and severe balance issues. The Dr. that did the Minute Man procedure is recommending PT and see what that does and then he might have to go back in a do another spot. It is all very confusing and time-consuming. At least the Minute Man procedure is very non-invasive with only one small cut that is done in a surgery center rather than a hospital.


I had the surgery you are talking about four years ago. Problems started again about a year ago. I just had Minute Man Procedure that I thought was a miracle cure for about two weeks and then things started heading South again. I have a lot of pain when walking and severe balance issues. The Dr. that did the Minute Man procedure is recommending PT and see what that does and then he might have to go back in a do another spot. It is all very confusing and time-consuming. At least the Minute Man procedure is very non-invasive with only one small cut that is done in a surgery center rather than a hospital.

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What is “minute man procedure”?

Thank you for your input!


A good home exercise program (HEP) an evaluation by a physician therapists and no surgery unless absolutely necessary. Your PCP can write you a prescription to have a PT “evaluate and treat” your back pain and they can provide you with the HEP that can keep you in tip top shape without surgery.


I have been looking for more information on a new surgery for spinal stenosis. Its a one day in the hospital and a 1/2 inch incision in your lower back. I won't do major surgery as I am 78 but might consider this as my back keeps getting worse... I refuse getting the steroid shots in my back anymore as they aren't much help and send my blood sugar high. I called about the surgery called vertibrex so see if they did it here (sioux falls) but so far no. Has anyone else heard about this.......


I have been looking for more information on a new surgery for spinal stenosis. Its a one day in the hospital and a 1/2 inch incision in your lower back. I won't do major surgery as I am 78 but might consider this as my back keeps getting worse... I refuse getting the steroid shots in my back anymore as they aren't much help and send my blood sugar high. I called about the surgery called vertibrex so see if they did it here (sioux falls) but so far no. Has anyone else heard about this.......

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Have never heard of that


Have never heard of that

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I’ve had the Vertiflex it helped a little but not as much as I was expecting


I have had C2 to C7 through posterior operation, at the time, I was in severe pain. Could only raise my arms about 2 inches. In 2003, I had anterior cervical surgery taking out discs and replacing with cages and a titanium rod. IN 2005, my lumbar spine with another operation and laminectomy. I'm 75years old now and had surgery on both hips,and my left shoulder, At your age your outcome is better and you snap back faster. I had relief from the surgery, but each one is different. The degeneration continues in 2012 I was offered a morphine pump because I had become inoperable. My efforts allowed me to keep working, and in 2010 developed sepsis and had brain damage from it and had to go on disability and retire. The surgery is one part
of it and the recovery a long road. I do not regret my decision, my mother had similar problems but wouldn't do the surgery, this resulted in 40 years as a very disabled person. I think the surgery helped me to function in a positive way. Good luck.


I have been looking for more information on a new surgery for spinal stenosis. Its a one day in the hospital and a 1/2 inch incision in your lower back. I won't do major surgery as I am 78 but might consider this as my back keeps getting worse... I refuse getting the steroid shots in my back anymore as they aren't much help and send my blood sugar high. I called about the surgery called vertibrex so see if they did it here (sioux falls) but so far no. Has anyone else heard about this.......

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My pain management doctor suggested this procedure to alleviate my lower back pain due to stenosis. A spacer would be placed between L3 and L4 plus L4 and L5. Several reviews I have read reported good results with pain. It can be removed if it doesn’t work so this is a plus for me. Recovery time is 6-9 weeks as opposed to 6-12 months with a fusion. I will probably choose this route rather than the fusion surgery. I am right outside of Houston and several doctors in the area offer this procedure.


My pain management doctor suggested this procedure to alleviate my lower back pain due to stenosis. A spacer would be placed between L3 and L4 plus L4 and L5. Several reviews I have read reported good results with pain. It can be removed if it doesn’t work so this is a plus for me. Recovery time is 6-9 weeks as opposed to 6-12 months with a fusion. I will probably choose this route rather than the fusion surgery. I am right outside of Houston and several doctors in the area offer this procedure.

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Hi, Thanks for the reply and information. I am so sick of a back ache everyday and been try ing to find more information on this type of surgery. So far, I don't think a dr. offers it here yet. Keep in touch and hope the surgery and recovery goes well for you. Joan

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